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November 24,1994. 2:30 AM

In dreams, everything seems normal. From falling off a fifty foot cliff or flying around till you wake up. You hardly realize it's a dream till you wake up, but it shouldn't happened in real life, right?

Cody walked into the pool and saw all of his friends. He smiled and greeted a couple of groups as they eyed him down in disgust.

"Yo! Cameron!"

"Cody! My boy,"

"What's up, dude? It's been forever man,"

"It has been, so let's make a toast!"

"Oh my god! Thank you so much," Cameron's hand firmly held Cody's shoulder.

"I'm seeing it right now, your name put up for everyone to see... engraved into your tombstone,"

"Wait, what?" Cameron shoved Cody into his so called "friends" arms. "What? No!! You can't do this!!" They brought him closer to the water and he started to panic. "Stop!! No!!" His head was put under the water. He panicked and struggled to keep his head over the water. He slowly stopped breathing, his heart stopped, his brain quit as he fell to the bottom of the pool.

Cody woke up gasping for air in his own bed. He coughed up the water in his lungs as he dripped head to toe in the chlorine water. He watched his palms get covered in beads of water that dripped from his hair. He wiped his eyes as he looked into his mirror above his dresser. He stared at the reflection of an unknown man. He had Cody's blue eyes that matched his hair. He wore a black shirt with grey joggers and black boots, an earring and necklace. The area he was in was poorly lit with a blue light, walls were wooden and floors are white. "What are you?" It copied Cody, everything he did, it would do like any other reflection but it didn't show Cody. Cody got up to look at the reflection. "I'm dreaming, right?" Cody pinched his wrist. "No... this is real. I'm hallucinating, it's just anxiety," He tried to convince himself but he didn't feel any form of anxiousness, no symptoms what so ever. He ran into the bathroom and it was the same reflection. "Why are you doing this?" He pleaded out.

"I'm here to protect you,"


"This is me after I drowned, I'm warning you, run! Stay as far away from Cameron as possible and do not believe a single word your friends tell you, you only have one chance," The reflection explained.

"But Cameron's my best friend,"

"Friends come and go, you'll find the right clique, you just have to wait," The voice faded out and everything went to normal besides Cody still soaked in chemical water.

"Cody? What are you doing up? And all wet? Let's get you dried up," His mother insisted. Cody kept his eyes on the mirror as his mother cleaned him up. "Now back to bed, you have school tomorrow."

Aggression's Anxiety//CarzigerWhere stories live. Discover now