Chapter 2

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The final bell rang and I grabbed my backpack and headed straight for my locker. The quicker I got out of here the better. I unlocked my locker and grabbed the few books I would need for homework before slinging the door back shut and turning to head towards the door that would be my escape. As I started walking that way I heard the sound of my friends voices and looked over my shoulder to see them coming into the hallway from their class. I still didn't really want to be bothered so instead of waiting on them to catch up like I usually would, I ducked into a crowd of people leaving the school and made my way out of the door as sneakily as possible. That probably made me a bad friend but I just couldn't handle anything else negative happening today.

I made my way outside and looked around for my brothers familiar black car but I didn't see it anywhere. So where the hell was he? He knew what time I got out of school. Today was really not the day for him to be forgetting me. With a sigh I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and started scrolling through my contacts to find his name.

"Hey Red." I heard from behind me. As I turned around I spotted Damien standing behind me with his trademark smirk plastered to his face.

"Hello Damien." I said finding my brothers number and bringing it up on the screen. But I hesitated calling him. I was interested to see what Damien wanted to say.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I guess he noticed the sour look on my face.

"My brother isn't here yet so I have to call him to see where the hell he is." I stated glancing around the parking lot one more time hoping I had just missed him.

"I can give you a ride home if you want. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to go somewhere with me anyway." he said smiling a little.

"I can't. I have an incredible amount of catch up homework that I have to get started on tonight."

"Do I really have to always throw you over my shoulder to get what I want? Can you please just agree this time and make it easier on both of us?" He said with an exaggerated sigh. I knew better than to tempt fate so I shook my head quickly.

"No, you really don't have to do that again. I'll go." I said sliding my phone into my back pocket before scanning the parking lot. "Where's your car?"

I didn't really like the way he laughed before motioning me to follow him across the parking lot. I followed after him anyway. Curiosity always got the best of me. I immediately felt my heart rate speed up and a frown come across my face when I noticed that he was leading me to a very sleek looking motorcycle.

"Nope." I said before turning to walk away. He grabbed my arm and spun me back around before I got very far though.

"Anna, you said you would go with me." he said with an oddly adorable pout on his face. I just rolled my eyes before looking back towards the death trap he wanted me to get on.

"Yeah but not on that thing! We could die Damien. That thing is an accident waiting to happen." I said. He only laughed at me though. I'm not sure why he thinks this situation is amusing because clearly its not.

"Red, I promise you that you're not going to die. You've got to have a little trust." he said grabbing my hand to pull me a little closer to the death machine. I looked down at his hand and then back up at him.

"Fine." I finally said reluctantly agreeing. "But if we die then it's all your fault." I said. He only laughed at me before throwing his leg over the bike and looking back at me. We made eye contact for a few beats before I gave in with a sigh and slid on behind him. He immediately cranked it up and my stomach dropped to my stomach.

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