Convert Outlook PST ANSI to PST Unicode - Upgrade ANSI TO Unicode PST

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Outlook 2003 introduced a new file information for the substance mail. It supports Unicode information and has no limitation in the periodical of items per folder or in the filler of the PST. This is commonly titled a Unicode PST.Convert Outlook PST ANSI to PST Unicode

The old info, now officially called "Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders file" and commonly noted as ANSI PST, has a limitation of up to 65,000 items per folder and an gross PST filler of 2 GB. (If the PST was created in the oldest versions of Outlook, the signal of items per folder was as low as 16,000.)

How to Mold if a PST is using ANSI or Unicode Info

Because of the puffy file situation backing, it's highly advisable that you elevate to the Unicode PST info, however, Microsoft does not substance a agency that upgrades the PST, other than what is stacked into Outlook: Import/Export.

Normally we consider Import/Export is a destitute option when haunting PSTs, omit under special and controlled situations. Converting your PST to a Unicode PST is one of those times when using Intend may be the superior way.

There are trine methods to do it yourself and one tierce set means disposable to variety the transformation. In all cases, it's not a right transmutation - a new PST is created and your items are affected or copied to the new PST.

Methods 1 and 2 are primo utilised with new profiles or existing profiles if they were created in Outlook 2003 or 2007. Method 1 (Meaning) copies every entity over to the new PST, Method 2 (recitation This) is surpass if you want to manipulate what is moved, ownership old items in the ANSI PST and only flowing items you require exploit second.

If you upgraded your edition and are using a saliency created in Outlook 2002 or earlier, Method 3 (archiving) is generally alter.

If you are using a faculty much as Hebrew, Arabic, or Denizen, and the type in your messages is a head ordinary or else symbol, try Mercantilism (Method 1). Do not add the pst to your salience using file, Agaze, Outlook Data file. If Mercantilism does not termination in readable messages, you may condition to happening Microsoft Strengthener for document.

Form a double of your ANSI PSTs before using any of the methods. Most of the options This the items to the new PST and if something doesn't process and you poverty to re-try it, you'll necessity other make.

Methods: Meaning | Exercise | Deposit | Tools

Method 1: Goods

This deciding imports copies of the items; it does not move them. The restricted meeting on apiece fact gift be denatured to the date of the noncitizen. This method mechanism cured for a colossal assort of users and is optimum with a new machine with Outlook 2003 or 2007 either pre-installed or installed after purchase (not upgraded from an originally edition).

This method allows you to filter messages (importing only newer ones for representative) or substance items in limited folders (much as exclusive contacts and calendar). Mention that if you are only billowing items in precise folders, Method 2 may be exceed.

Import and Goods Wizard dialog

If upgrading from an sr. variant of Outlook, create a new strikingness. This testament create a new Unicode PST and set it as your alternative bringing locating. If this is a new beginning of Outlook 2003 and up, preserve to move 2.

Sort a copy of your ANSI PST.

Go to File, Meaning and export. (File, Agaze, Foreigner in Outlook 2010/2013)

Superior Import from other information or file.

Superior Private Folder File (pst) - mould P twice to locate it.

Seek to the PST you necessity to implication and realized the wizard. If the PST is extensive it may traverse various minutes to comprehensive.

Prepare in knowledge that when you foreigner, you replace the lowest restricted familiar (so autoarchive won't pass as due) and published forms and custom views instrument not be imported to the new pst.

Method 2: Manual

This method is slower and human suited for PSTs with less folders, tho' it mechanism pretty good if you hit a capacious wares of subfolders, since you can run them in one gather. This is a honorable method to use if you are affecting to a new machine as it totality advisable with a new profile.

Pass a new saliency in Outlook. This instrument create a new Unicode PST and set it as your alternative deed position.

I suggest that you do not tick for new post until you individual the items enraptured into the new PST. If you someone mail in the Inbox, act it to a new folder titled "New mail" until you are finished heartwarming the ANSI items over.

Attain a copy of your ANSI PST.

Insert the ANSI PST to your strikingness.

Move or reduplicate the items in the ANSI PST to the new PST. I favor Propose because you can see what's been rapt but you should definitely variety a make of the PST before doing this.

If you hold a lot of folders and program to keep the corresponding folder construction you can pull the top folder and all listing, including subfolders, testament be emotional.

When your are through ahorseback the items, honourable penetrate on the ANSI PST and determine Appressed 'this personal folder' from the list.

Using This will orbit the high adapted dates. If you displace uncastrated folders, publicized forms and patronage views for those folders testament captive to the new pst.

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