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In a village, a girl is seen playing with her brother and sisters. Her sister, Jean, playing with her stuffed toy bear. A little worn and ragged from being passed down, but loved nonetheless. Her brother, Zach, play fighting with his twin sister, Ruth. Their little scuffle evolving into a game of chase. Lilith, the girl in question, watches over them while accompanying Jean with her toy bear. As she laughs at Zach and Ruth's mischief, her eyes can't help but glance over at the forest bordering their little village.

Her eyes can't help but stare at it in wonder. She's always heard stories from her parents and other adults of how monsters and terrifying creatures dwell within. Old wives tales, she's sure, to keep the children safe from wondering off and getting lost in it. Still, she can't help but wonder, if any of those wondrous tales of fairies and ghouls ring true. The adventures that wait for who so ever ventures into the forest. As her eyes linger on the forest, she's snapped out of her thoughts by a call.

"Lilith! Come bring the children inside! It's getting dark and dinners almost ready." Her mom shouts through the open window from the kitchen.

"Alright!", she replies as she calls to the others.

"C'mon, you guys! It's time to head inside. Zach, get off your sister and get in the house. The foods ready." "Kay!", he replies as he scampers off of Ruth and runs towards their house. Ruth running along after him. As Lilith beckons them to head back inside, she can't help but glance back at the forest. The setting sun casting it's orange hue on the tall trees, making it look more enchanting. She can't help but be drawn to the entrance, as if any moment now, one of its mysterious creatures would show itself. Her thoughts are quickly interrupted, as she feels a tug on her hand. Looking down, she sees her little sister, Jean, looking up at her curiously. Smiling gently, she holds Jean's little hand softly, "C'mon, let's head back inside."

Jean giggles in reply, running ahead to catch up with Ruth, her little toy bear in her arms. Lilith glances once more towards the forest before following after the others. As she does so, the sun sets, leaving the forest a dark shadow in the quiet night. As the night passes, she could hear her mother tell stories of how dangerous the forest is to her younger siblings. Of its terrible creatures that would harm young children like themselves, should they ever go in there. Stories she's heard many times herself. As she drifts off to sleep, she could hear the wind blowing through the trees and the voices of her parents idle chatter.

As the wind blows through the forest, the sounds of crickets and owls are nonexistent. The quiet night passing by eerily, as the wind soflty blows through the branches of the trees. No sounds could be heard in the middle of the forest, besides the sounds of rattling chains. Shadows dancing to and fro from the reflection of the moonlight bounced off of the trees, giving the illusions of creatures moving in the otherwise still forest. As dawn broke, the sounds of birds chirping broke the stillness of the night.

"Wake up! Wake up, Lily!" "Time to get up. Time to get up!" Lilith groaned as she felt Zach and Ruth shaking her awake. Before she could say anything, she felt the impact of Zach and Ruth jumping on top of her body. "Ughhh, I'm up, I'm up", she said groggily. As she rose from her bed, Zach and Ruth's laughter echoed into her room as they jumped off the bed and scampered down the hall.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" "Hurry, hurry!" The incoherent yelling of the two calling for her even as they head towards the kitchen and out the door, playing in the yard. Jean following quickly after. Lilith quickly washes up and dresses as she hears the three's loud laughter. "Morning, dear. Breakfast is on the table." Her mom greets her as she steps into the kitchen.

"Morning, mom. Morning, dad." She responds as she heads over to the table and proceeds to stuff a piece of bacon and egg into her mouth.

"Morning, sweetie." Her dad says as he ruffles her hair.

Fateful EncounterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora