Chapter Three.

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I cried myself to sleep last night; I missed Liam I really did. I didn’t want to go back to him because of everything but I also did, I was confused. My alarm went off for work, early start and late finish. I was looking forward to going to work because it would get my mind off things; I chucked on my uniform and started walking.

Seven in the morning and the sun was just rising. I got to work and opened the shop; I was the only one working until ten. Then the guy who started last week was starting and we both worked until five.

As I got into work it started pouring down with rain, good timing. The store was empty until the rain died down, then at ten more customers started coming in. The new guy came in and he took over the register while I walked around making sure everything was in place.

I grabbed a hoodie that was in the hat section and walked to the hoodie section to put it back and I saw Liam and Harry. I wanted to go somewhere else to avoid them but I knew I couldn’t, I walked passed them and put the hoodie on the shelf.

‘Leyna!’ Harry smiled


‘Funny finding you here’

‘I have been working here for the past few months’ I laughed

There was an awkward silence and I looked at Liam and he looked away.

‘Well I better get back to work, bye’ I said walking off and over to the counter

I started talking to the new guy, Corbin.

‘I remember seeing you on the news a while ago’ he said

‘Yeah, I was a few times’

‘Your boyfriend is famous hey’

‘He was’

‘Oh. Sorry’

‘I am going on my lunch break, be back in half an hour. Will you be right?’


I walked out and down the road to the bakery; a nice pie is exactly what I need. As I was eating it someone sat in the chair across from me.

‘Before you tell me to go please just hear me out’ Liam said ‘I am so sorry for everything, I wish I could re do those days and make them all better but I know I can’t so I am doing my best. Please can we start over as friends, you can move back in with your dad and us, your dad misses you the boys do and I also do. Please come back and we can start over’

I thought about it for a bit.


‘Hi I am Liam’ he said extending his arm

‘Leyna’ I said shaking his hand ‘I better get back to work, bye Loni’

‘It’s Liam’

‘Sorry, by Liam’ I laughed

The next five hours went fast, I was going back to dad’s tonight which was good. I went to Jaimie’s and packed up my stuff.

‘Thanks for letting me stay even though it was only one night’ I laughed

‘Anytime sweetie’ Jaimie’s mum said hugging me

‘Bye Jaimie, I will text you later’ I smiled

Dad picked me up and we went back to his house.

‘I made up the spare room for you’ he smiled


We got home and I put my stuff into my room and sat in the lounge room.

‘Where is everyone?’



All of a sudden they came charging through to the lounge room and tackled me on the couch.

‘She’s home!’

‘Hey guys’

Niall fell on the couch next to me and put his arm around me while Louis sat on the other side and the other boys sat on the ground. I was tired from work and dealing with people and usually I would go to bed now even though it was only seven but I wanted to catch up. I hardly saw these boys, I was in my room for a week and then I left for Jaimie’s. 

It was still awkward between Liam and I, being together for a year and then just starting over. I finally gave in and went to bed, the boys complained about it –especially Niall- but they understood.

Woke up to snow, snow and more snow. It was lunchtime when I woke up so everyone was up and moving, I walked to the couch and I saw Liam sitting there by himself.

‘Morning’ I smiled


I sat on the couch and huddled up as I let the heater warm me. Dad walked in and told me to start getting ready.


‘You will see, just dress warm. It is cold outside!’

I walked up to my room and dressed really warmly and then walked out and everyone was dressed up ready to go. Dad had made me a sandwich which I ate in the car.

‘So where are we going?’ I asked

‘Ice skating!’ Niall cheered

Everyone joined in cheering.

We got to the ice rink and there was no one there, they obviously were normal and knew it was cold outside so didn’t make plans. Smart people. Niall, Louis and Zayn were the first ones on the rink followed by dad and Louis, Leaving Liam and I alone to put on our skates. We hadn’t had a proper conversation since before we started fighting which was a while ago. 

It was so weird having to break a ‘routine’ that you have been doing for a year. I got my skates on and went to the rink; I noticed Liam wasn’t coming so I went back over to him.

‘Come on, have fun. Enjoy it’ I said holding out my hands to help him up

He laughed and we went to the rink, Niall grabbed my hand unexpectedly. He dragged me around the rink and then we both fell over, we couldn’t stand up because we were laughing so hard.

Boom Boom by Justice Crew came on and Niall and I started randomly dancing on the ice, we started a choreography but soon forgot it. Once the song ended we laughed again causing us to fall over, once again.

We all lined up against the back wall and counted down, on ‘go’ we all were going to race to the other end. I was in between Niall and Liam and I was counting down.

‘3, 2, 1, go’

We were all off and racing, I saw Dad, Niall and Louis in front of me, which meant Liam was behind me because Zayn was the referee. Liam lost balance and grabbed onto me for support and I fell over with him. We started cracking up laughing and then we got helped up.

After that everything seemed to change between me and him, we seemed to be talking more. Having more fun and that was good. I like it that way, we were best friends again.

When we got home we all collapsed on the couch in front of the heater. I was playing on my phone when I got a text.

From; Unknown.

Leyna, Sup. It’s Corbin. Why don’t I take you out tomorrow night? Dinner and a movie? What do you think?

I saved his number and smiled before replying.

To; Corbin.

Would love too, see you then.

Corbin was a nice guy, he was really funny too. I volunteered to make everyone dinner, toasted sandwiches. They didn’t complain.

A/N: So Leyna is going on a date, so Liam might. If you want to be Liam's date, comment your name and description. :) You will be in it for a couple of chapters and maybe towards the end, not sure yet. xxx 

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