Chapter one

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It's night time, by the light of only the moon an enormous undead army of demons marches from a cliff down to a small body of water where a tiny army of peasants try to defend themselves and their homes from these uncaring, heartless all consuming creatures. Driven into the shallow water to fight to the end, the peasants die slow agonising deaths, having stood no chance at all against these trained killers. Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, no one is spared as they fight for their lives, but one young woman manages to survive.
The body of a farmer falls on top of her plunging her under the shallow water. He was a tall, strong man, muscular from years of hard labour which did nothing to help him stay alive against these bloody thirsty demons with no fear and knowledgeable in many ways of tearing flesh from bone as quickly as possible as to not kill instantly, no, so as to keep the victim alive as long as possible, to suffer as much as possible, to feel every cut, bite, slice, stab, tear as intimately and horrifyingly as they can to savour the distorted, haunting screams of these innocent souls.
She held her breath before going under, watching the blurry shapes moving around above the water, back and forth until nothing but the moon shining upon water, ripples slowing to a calm blurry stillness. It was eerily settling, knowing that the only thing nearby in the water were now the bodies of everyone she ever knew and cared for.
She slowly pushed the body off her enough to lift her face above the water just enough to take a breath and scan the area for any sign of the demons that destroyed everything she knew. When she looked across the top of the calming water she could see bodies breaking the surface of the water everywhere, there were bodies littering the whole of the shallow pond, which had one advantage, she wouldn't be noticeable as the only thing protruding from the water of the usually flat and perfectly still pond. As she turned her head as slow as she could looking for the bank she saw one creature still making it's way out of the water.
It was not much more than a skeleton with black skin wrapping the bones and no meat or muscle in between, hunched over like an old man but no human features left, a few strands of long black hair saturated with blood and water draped down from it's head, a small shine signalling where it's eye must be on it's all black silhouette slowly moving in and around bodies floating in the water. Scanning for any movement that might mean someone is still alive, stabbing it's small blade at random spots in the water just in case it missed someone. She watched it wade all the way out to the edge of the bank to a monstrous figure standing tall above his army of decrepit dark creatures.
The only demon adorning armour, clearly signifying it's rank above these expendable peons. Huge spiked boots at the bottom of legs the size of tree trunks, leading up to armour that took the shape of an enormous skull covering the whole torso, long muscular arms with spiked shoulder protection and a large horned helmet covering it's face, just a small "T" shaped opening revealing only glowing red eyes amongst black shadows top off this creature. It carries an enormous blade two thirds the size of the tallest man she used to know, not a drop of fresh blood on his weapon, he had no need to engage this inexperienced band of farmers, his lowly demons took care of them with ease, but that doesn't mean there was no sign of blood on his weapon, no, it was stained with crusty dried blood, the darkest red, almost black, it was experienced in taking lives just like the pawns in lead.
Two lowly decrepit creatures approached their lumbering leader, each holding the arm of a soldier, where had this soldier come from? She didn't recall any soldiers coming to the farmers aid! One of the farmers sent his son to ask for aid from the king but he came back alone, no help was coming. The giant demon placed the top of his weapon under the chin of the soldier's drooping head, lifting it so as to face the beast. The rest of the soldier's body was draped along behind him, he was not holding any of his body parts up by his own strength. The young woman couldn't hear anything from her position out in the water, she was too far away, all she could make out was a low growl which must have been the beast's voice speaking to the soldier. She could however hear the soldier's high pitched whines and squeals as he swore on his life that "IT" was here in this village. The beast dropped the top of it's weapon to the ground causing the soldier's head to drool once more, then it turned to it's awaiting horde who were watching on patiently like hungry wolves waiting for their prey to take it's last breath, it raised it's weapon to the east and she could make out it's words this time as it yelled in a horrible deep growl that made her stomach churn.
"We march on! The threat has been ............ eradicated!"
It's laugh after that announcement was somehow even more sickening than it's thunderous voice simply speaking. The demon horde itself let out chilling, blood curdling shrieks of excitement as they all turned and marched on.
What threat was the beast talking about? What could these peasants possibly have had that this monstrosity would of had to worry about? Especially since he just killed them all. If someone here had an all powerful weapon, why in the hell didn't they use it? For this demon to come to this pathetic village with such a vast army it must be a truly magnificent weapon. The young woman wondered where such a thing must be and how she could get her hands on it or at least go tell the king that such a weapon hides here so as to save the next village, but wait didn't the beast say the threat was eradicated? All he had done was kill a village full of peasants, they didn't put up that much of a fight either, they were no threat. Now she was just getting confused, what else did they destroy while she was hiding under her dead neighbour's body?

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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