TAP water or Filtered water? Think again: Are you actually drinking water?

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Water is one of the reasons why life exists in this planet. Not only that, our planet is 71% water and is known as the Blue Planet for a reason. But with the increase in human advancement, Earth is losing its natural charm. Water on Earth is severely polluted. The growing pollutants in water is a major cause why people are buying bottled water or installing filters in their home. In 2013, people in Canada purchased 2.4 billion litres of bottled water. More than hundreds of home are installing filters in their home to drink pure filtered water.This number is indeed enough to indicate the rising level of contaminants in drinking water not only in Canada, but all over the world.

Some countries are indeed lucky enough that their water supply corporation kills the bacteria and other minor pathogens before supplying the water to people's home. There are many other countries where accessing clean water is a headache and they cannot even drink the tap water due to the presence of various contaminants which can affect their health badly.

The drinking water is so polluted that after a few hours of drinking unsafe water leads to diarrhea and fever.

BACTERIA: The vast number of bacteria present in a single glass of water can multiply at a very fast pace after entering your body and affect your well-being. Some bacteria are even resistant to anti-biotics and weaken the immune system so adversely that the person becomes weak and eventually dies. Most bacteria present in water causes diseases like typhoid, Cholera, Hepatitis, etc.

CHLORINE: Not only bacteria, the tap water contains chemicals like chlorine and fluorides, which has been linked to the growth of cancer cells in the body. Chlorine also affects the breathing and can weaken your immune system. Chlorine can result in asthma which is again a very serious health disorder and should be prevented. Development of children and their brain can be affected by exposure to Chlorine and fluoride.

METALS: The presence of various metals in tap water is also the cause of a large number of deaths all over the world. Metals like Arsenic, Lead, Iron, and Cadmium are present in large quantities found in tap water. These metals find its way from the old faucet and pipes when they are supplied by the municipality. The metals are very dangerous to the human body. It does not show its effects immediately but attacks the body suddenly. It keeps on accumulating in the human body and does not get excreted easily. After much accumulation, it attacks the body severely leading to huge damage. These harmful metals can damage the brain, heart as well as the kidney amongst other vital organs. Children are more susceptible to be the victim if they are ingesting these kinds of deadly metals which affects their overall development.

INDUSTRIAL WASTE: Industrial waste is one of the contributors of the contaminants present in drinking water. The contaminants include medicinal wastes, manures, pesticides, chemical solvents, fertilizers, oil, etc. With the presence of different metals, these wastes can react and form deadly compounds which can cause severe health deterioration.

How can you remove the contaminants from tap water?

With the increasing number of pollutants in tap water, the diseases related to it is also increasing. It is very essential to remove the harmful impurities present in drinking water and prevent deadly diseases. It is also known that developing children are more likely to feel ill due to drinking impure water. It is high time to check our tap water and help develop the child like they are meant to be.

The answer is simple; to introduce a water filtration system in your home. The water filter or the water filter replacement is very much cost-effective. The filter will not only help prevent diseases and keep you healthy but also give you a perfect tasting water without the smell of chlorine.

Nowadays the best part of having refrigerator is you can install a filter in it. The filter provides pure cold water, free from any impurities which tastes and smell much better. Not only water, it also provides ice cubes in minutes of your command. When we freeze ice, we normally freeze it from the contaminated water of the tap. While installing a fridge filter, you do not have to freeze ice anymore because you can get ice from filtered water within minutes. What else could you want from a water filter?

Miara's collections (https://www.miarascollections.com/) is a brand of water filter replacement for the refrigerator as well as for your RO filter. The team provides affordable water filter replacement which helps you to stay healthy and hydrated at the same time. 

TAP water or Filtered water? Think again: Are you actually drinking water?Where stories live. Discover now