Chapter 1: Arrival

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Place & Date : Australia, July 7, 2018

It was a rainy, cold, dark night...well I'm not very good at this whole writing in a diary thing. I Can't believe I am doing this while she's asleep, anyway.

My name is William Jones but I prefer Billy Jones and I'm going to tell you a story that people wouldn't believe, well I'm going to tell you a story that you wouldn't believe, so here we go.

I was a regular teenager in high school I was respectful to other people, honest, kind, creative and helped people if they needed help, but nothing interesting in my world. Like seeing super-powered people doing good or bad it wasn't like being in a comic or a game, a bit boring, anyway getting off track.

I was coming home from school, my mom wasn't home so I just laid on my couch,  then all of a sudden I heard it a faint woman voice calling saying"Help...Please", as I heard this I got up looked outside, in the backyard I saw no one there but a small meteor crash in the sand, luckily. I went to bring it inside and placed it in my room and thought that voice might had just been my mind playing tricks on me.

Later That Night 

As I was going to go to bed I couldn't shake the feeling that voice could have been someone in need of help. I went to bed and woke up 12 minutes later with a ticklish feeling, it was near my feet as I got out of my bed to grab my touch and lifted my sheets to see a black goo and it was moving, slowly crawling to me as I got as close to my bedroom wall, I heard the same voice again but it sounded like if she was dying"please...don'", wait the voice from early it came from this."what are you?"I said,"",  It's just like in the comics, I thought to myself. Without even thinking about it, I put my hand out to help the symbiote, it was suffering.

As it laches it's self to my skin and crawled up my arm, spreading to my neck, then my torso, toes and covered my face, as I opened my eyes I hear the symbiote in my head"'" With the symbiote resting for a few minutes, she once again said"thank you again for saving me, I really appreciate it", Then I felt the symbiote warming the inside of the suit, tensing the suit, it felt like I was being hugged all over.

"No problem, it what I do, I help when people are in need"I said in a happy tone.

"Hey umm what do I look like now? "I said, "have a look, I think you will like it"she said, as I went towards my mirror to see how I looked, I had black muscular skin, a white spider symbol on my chest and on my back with 4 lines going too both my back and chest, white membranes for eyes, as I looked at my jaw it drop out of the mask with razor sharp teeth and a long snake like tongue"I like the look, it looks awesome"I said, she replies"I am glad you think it look awesome, I looked in your thoughts and saw that you liked this look, in a comic that you read, I think I'm going to like you William"with a Proud tone, I said"just Billy will do, I like my nickname better."Ok then, hey let's go have some fun."she said with excitement. 

For some reason I felt like I had a strong connection with her, I felt it could be fun to test these new abilities I have been given. I thought of the Spider-Man comics and thought that I could be like a superhero, I was able to uses all of Spider-Man's abilities I was swinging around buildings, crawled on walls, I used some of the symbiotes abilities to, like super strength and speed. 

As I swung back to my house, I loved the feeling of swinging like spider man, it's like I always imagined then I said"I love what you have given me I feel more alive and less lonely when I have you"and smiled.

The symbiote loved it when I said all the amazing things about her she once again gave me a hug inside the suit it was warmer then before but I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed it when she does that.

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