Walking In The Day - Pt 21

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Kameron swung up to the upper loft, listening to Clay pacing the roof. Letting her nose sniff the air, Baltar was over a mile away. Her eyes shifted from violet to white for just an instant, stealing herself for what she was going to have to do.

Swinging out of the small window, her body slinking through the small opening as if she were made of liquid glass.

"Hi pops," said Kameron thickly. Clay spun around, not having heard her at all.

"You figured it out," said Clay, his hands flexing at his sides.

In the woods, Kameron had tried the stake on herself, but the skin of her chest and stomach were too thick to pierce. But, she knew where Clay was vulnerable, and she was planning on hitting him where it counted. Removing two of the think branches she'd made into make-shift stakes.

"I'm a smart girl, Sarah saw to that, why did you come here?" asked Kameron.

"For quiet, for solitude, Baltar was here before - alone - this time I was with him. Why fight, Kameron? Come with me, join us, embrace what you are," cooed Clay.

Kameron laughed loudly. It was a thick almost crazy laugh. He was funny, perhaps she got her sense of humor from him.

"I'm not like you," said Kameron.

"Your eyes tell a different tale," spat Clay. "Don't make me kill you."

"You can try," said Kameron. Gesturing with the stake and Clay laughed at the rudimentary weapon.

Clay launched himself at Kameron, and she ducked, her heightened instincts allowing her to know his moves before he did, it seemed that not only was Peyton able to move things with her mind, but she could sense when things were about to happen.

Clay landed on the edge of the barns large roof, spinning to find Kameron sitting on the apex of the roof, flipping the stake in her hand. "You see," began Kameron. "I'm really not much of a fighter, I'm a lover, a lot like my father. See, he had to love my mother one more time before he ran off with his male lover and disappear. He was a coward, in life and in death. So, want to make another run at me?" asked Kameron sarcastically.

"You are..."

"You're daughter! Going to kill me? Come on, do it? I've been trying to kill the demon inside of me since I began to lust for blood! Do it! Kill me!" roared Kameron, standing at the ready.

Clay roared savagely, exactly what Kameron wanted, she needed him to not think clearly. It was getting closer to 3am and the sun would start to crest the mountains in a few hours, she needed him down for the count until then. Clay flung himself at her sloppily and as he came closer, she moved and jumped towards him, both stakes aiming at his hands.

The first stake found its home, the second missed and Clay howled in pain.

Kam found her footing, spinning around as he reached for the wooden barb that protruded from his hand, slicing savagely at his neck.

The point of the stake tore through his skin, black-red blood gushed from the wound and Clay fell back.

As he fell back, Kam's sneaker clad foot found the stake in his hand and rammed it down into the roof, pinning his left hand there. Clay swung out with his feet, but Kameron leapt up, and crashed down next to her father. Clay raked his fingers across her face, bring forth blood, he snapped like a snake at the blood, but Kameron jammed the other stake into his forearm, pinning him, splayed, to the roof.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you live," said Kameron, rolling away from him, the wounds on her face healing already. Leaving faint marks on her rose cheeks, she reached up, wiping away the remainder of the blood.

Clay bucked and screamed like a wounded animal.

Kameron removed two more stakes and struggled to nail his feet down to the roof.

Her nose flared, smelling for Baltar, knowing he was growing closer.

Kameron slammed the last stake into Clay's feet, spearing him to the roof of the barn, the sun would be up soon enough. If this didn't work, Kameron didn't know what she would do. There had to be a way to reverse what Baltar done to Sarah.

"The sun only weakens us, it only burns us after hours of being...," began Clay, his words filled with pain.

"I don't care, you'll be up here all day, the rest of what is left of your miserable life!" roared Kameron, straddling his chest, hovering over him, her hand at his throat. "If you die, she'll be turned back to human form."

"I didn't make her! Baltar did! If you kill me, if you kill him, then whatever is vampire in your blood dies, you remember that," spat Clay. "You'll die, you'll never survive that, you'll be nothing, you'll be dead."

"So be it," said Kameron. "I'm a monster that dwells in the body of a human, but Sarah she's human and I won't see her be what you are. You're a fiend, a hunter of humans, you prey..."

"As do you! Do you think feeding from willing souls is any different from what we do? It isn't! You are just like us," stated Clay his fangs ungodly white in the faint light of dawn. "You fed off her, didn't you? That's why your eyes are that color, we never have eyes of that color, always dark, only dark!"

"I'm nothing like you, you made me, but you didn't shape me. Sarah did that, she molded me into a human being, you're just a monster behind the façade of a human," said Kameron walking to the edge of the roof. "If that means I die tonight, that's fine, I'll die but she'll be free. Sarah, Peyton and Jonathan will be safe."

"You are a fool," yelled Clay.

Kameron smiled wickedly, walking back towards the incapacitated man. Tearing the sleeve from her shirt, revealing her sculpted arms, stuffing the makeshift gag into his mouth and growled at him, "You talk too much, shut up and die already. My father died a long time ago, the moment you fed and killed a human, you ceased being my kin."

Kameron pushed his head back, his head slapping hard on the roof, Kameron walked away, her eyes blazing violet with power, and now it was time to see if she was up to the task of being a hero.


Peyton rolled over, her head filled with swimming visions of Kameron. Kameron who'd fed on her so deeply that Peyton wasn't sure she could stand. Peyton's usually dark eyes opened, her eyes now hollow and almost lifeless.

It had been the only way, the only way that Kameron would be powerful enough to save her father. He had to live, Jonathan had to live, pleaded Peyton in her mind.

"Don't die, either of you," whispered Peyton in a soft audible prayer before falling back and passing out.


Kameron rushed into the barn, she snapped the binds that held Jonathan. "The woods near your house, Peyton is there, find her, get out of here, run as fast as you can, go!" ordered the vampire.

"What did you do to her?" asked Jonathan, rubbing his wrists. He saw the blaze of color in her eyes and stepped back. "Christ you are a vampire."

"Deal with it," said Kameron. "You have two minutes at best, move! I'll take care of Sarah after I take care of grampa vampire that is coming."

"I'll get Sarah," said Jonathan.

"He bit her! You want her to tear a hole in your jugular? Go. Get. Peyton."

Jonathan ran for his life, for the life of his daughter with a small glimmer of hope, named Kameron.

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