5 - "Patience my dear Amelia"

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Amelia's POV

It's been about five days since I met Luke, and even though I started out completely hating him, we've gone out together for the past three going on four nights. Luke really is a sweetheart, he just takes some warming up to.

The night after we first met he took me out to this really fancy restaurant that I, nor any member of my family has ever been to, and it ended with a cliche walk around the park.

Then the next two nights were conjoined in a way because he took me to a picnic setup up on the beach where we ended up falling asleep star gazing. When we woke up we just decided to spend the day together, so we came back to the palace and watched movies and ate junk food all day until he said he wanted to take me out again tonight. All in all it's been a pretty successful past coupe of days. The icing on the cake was definitely getting to see Calum. We had a little fallout but I think everything is finally at ease again.

The whole scenario is just weird to me, Calum and I have never gone that long without talking to each other, apparently he tried to reach me the first day, but as to why I didn't receive his messages... I'm clueless.

"Amelia.. You okay?" Luke says, snapping me out of my train of thought. I guess I didn't realize how quiet I was truly being.

"Yah, I was just thinking." I genuinely do like Luke, so I don't think it would be smart to tell him I was thinking about Calum, even though Cal is just my best friend.

"Let me guess, about Calum?" In that moment I feel like a kid who just got busted trying to sneak dessert before dinner, embarrassed.

"I'm not mad Amelia. It's a lot to take in I guess. He pretty much ignored you for almost a week and then all of sudden turns up out of nowhere with an apology. It's a strange occurrence." In a way Luke is right, but wrong at the same time. If Calum is telling the truth about all the failed attempts to contact me, then I feel like a down right bitch for not attempting to contact him at all.

"I guess it is, I don't know, I think I just feel bad that I didn't make an effort to call or text him at all?" I explain as Luke nods acknowledging my statement before looking down and linking our hands.

"I think he likes you.." He says with a taunting smirk as I just laugh at his comment.

"Yah right, Calum, like me? I didn't know you were a comedian Luke.." I say and he just laughs and shakes his head.

"Think what you want Amelia. But I'm pretty sure he does. But there is no way I'm letting him have you."

"Well you won't have to worry about that. One because I don't like Calum in a more than friendly way, and he certainly does not like me in a more than friendly way. Plus Cal has a type, and that type definitely isn't me." I look up at Luke as he jokingly rolls his eyes at me.

"'Types' are a bunch of bullshit to me. Sure you can look for the things you want in a relationship, but in reality it's not about what you want, more what you need, and what you need can be the complete opposite of what you want." I stop in my tracks and turn to face Luke, our hands still connected.

"It sounds to me like you're trying to convince me to get with Calum." I say raising an eyebrow at him.

"Absolutely not! You're mine." He states, tightening his grip on my hand.

"Actually, I'm not. Because even after about four very successful dates, and accidentally falling asleep together a certain boy has yet to ask me to be his girlfriend." I say teasingly before starting to walk forward again, leaving Luke standing in the middle of the sidewalk completely dumbfounded.

"It's called patience my dear Amelia." I hear Luke shout before he catches up to me and intertwines our hands again.

"I'll have you know Hemmings, I'm not exactly the most patient girl out there." Luke chuckles in response before pulling me into this vet cute, little, antique looking shop.

"Well that's no good, we wouldn't want to keep the princess waiting now would we?" I roll my eyes at him. Jokingly or not, everyone knows I hate being called a princess.

"Amelia Elizabeth Louis, you're stubborn, impatient, loud, and very sarcastic, but I wouldn't want you any other way, so... Will you do me the impeccable honor of being me girlfriend?" I can't help but laugh at the way he formed that question, but it was genuine, in all honesty I would've said yes if Luke just said 'yo gurl! Be mine!'

Okay, maybe not, I'd probably proceed to throw a dictionary at him after that.

"That was insanely corny, but yes Luke, I'll be your girlfriend." He smiles widely at me before cupping my face in his hands while leaning down to connect our lips for the longest, deepest kiss we have shared by far. When we finally pull apart it feels like we just walked onto the set of one of those cheesy romance movies because the very few other customers in the store with us are clapping and looking at us in awe. My cheeks I can tell are probably the brightest shade of red ever and on instinct I try to hide my face in Luke's side. He just laughs it off and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

When I finally get over the embarrassment and lift my head up I finally realize what store we're in, and to say I'm confused is a huge understatement.

"Umm.. Luke. Why are we in a candy store?"

"Well, I don't know about you Amelia, but I know when I watch movies I like to have an abundance of sour patch kids, and I do for a fact that you have a sweet tooth for The same exact thing." I stare at him confused with furrowed eyebrows. He must notice my confusion because he starts to lean down to whisper something to me.

"I saw the stash of full sour patch kids boxes under your desk while you were in the shower this morning." I laugh at his discovery while shaking my head in mock disappointment.

"I'm not technically allowed to have them. Mum thinks they'll rot my teeth out instantly so I stock up when I can." Luke chuckles while grabbing about six boxes of sour patch kids before pulling me to front counter with him.

"That's adorable babe." He says while taking the bag from the cashier, and I can't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy at his use of the simplest pet name in the book.

"Now let's get back to the palace, Calum is probably bored out of his kind." I nod as I follow behind Luke with our hands together once again. Once we exit the store and get about halfway down the street to Luke's car, it hits me. I completely forgot about my movie night with Calum and the only reason I remembered was because Luke just invited himself to a night that was suppose to be just for me and Cal.

Calum absolutely hates Luke, and now he's basically being forced to spend time with him. The one thing that's worrying me the most is, how will Cal react when I tell him that not only Luke is joining our movie night, but rather that I am now dating the one kid he absolutely detests with every single fiber in his body.

This should be an interesting night.

Royal Pains // chTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon