The devil's touch

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A week. Allison had been here a week now. She often wondered if her brother was looking for her or if he even cared where she was. She sat on the couch reading a book. Negan kept her in his room at all times. A guard was posted outside the door whenever he wasn't with her. Why was he so determined to keep her here?

Negan walked into his room slaming his door. By the looks of it he was pissed. He headed to the bathroom where he also slammed the door. Great now she had to put up with him in a pissy mood.  She continued to read her book until he walked out of the bathroom. Still looking at her book she said "Rough day"

"No fucking shit" he replied.

She looked at him with fire in her eyes "don't take your pissy mood out on me asshole. I didn't do shit to you"

"Well at least I'm taking care of you unlike Rick who isn't even trying to get you back"

Allison stood up and smacked Negan across the face. He grabbed her arm and pulled her against his chest. "Don't do that" he said in a stern voice.

"Or what. You will kill me. Go ahead. You don't scare me Negan."

There was silence between them. The tension so think in the air that a knife wouldn't even cut it. That's when Negan couldn't take it anymore. He crashed his lips to hers. Her lips were soft and he felt like he couldn't get enough.  He pulled away and placed his hand on her back pulling her closer. As he placed sensual kisses on her neck he said "You will be mine sweetheart"

She pushed him away from her and said "keep dreaming"

"Now you and I both know that sooner or later you'll submit to me. It's only a matter of time"

" I'll never submit to you"

"Is that so. Hate to tell you this sweetheart but I'm already getting to you"

"No" she replied backing away from him.

He pushed her against the wall and held her hands above her head as he captured her lips once again. Pulling away again he said "yes I am" before walking out to do God knows what.

She sank to her knees and held her chest. Why? Why was he affecting her this way? Why of all people did Negan set her body aflame with desire? She would not give in. She would not let him have control over her. She would not and will not be his Queen.

Cold blooded *A Negan Romance*Where stories live. Discover now