Act 6: The Call

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Would he really be able to bring himself to calling her? His mind said he couldn't, but his heart said he could.

Ultimately, his heart won.

He picked up the phone. His heart immediately started beating at 200bpm. His mind screamed at him. His hands became clammy and he started to shiver.

He got the slip of paper with her number on it. He slowly and methodically punched it into the phone. He pressed the call button.

Never had the bad man been so scared. He felt that the world would come to an end if it went bad.

The girl picked up.


The bad man forgot how to talk for a second because he was so scared.

"Hey, it's that guy from the yoga class earlier today,"
"Oh! Hey! I was wondering when you would call,"
"Eheheh... well, you said something about coffee, right?"
"Um, I don't think so. But I'd be up to grab some with you,"
"Oh, well, uh, wh, where would you want to go?"
"Anywhere would be fine,"
"Then, how about The Coffee Leaf and Tea Bean?"
"Yeah, that sounds good, but what time do you wanna meet up?"
"Uhhh... how about 11?"
"Well, see you then,"


What had he done? He made a date? This was impossible, his mind endlessly repeated. He bit himself just to make sure he wasn't having a nightmare/dream.

But it was real. It had happened. The bad man was going on a date tomorrow at 11.

He fainted right there at the phone.

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