Intro, Nubilous

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Seemingly in this age, walking in the early morning when it's dark and foggy doesn't seem like the brightest ideas. But it's not extremely bright being a villain during foggy nights or in this time period either.

You've been reading in a library time to time, and sometimes you'd take the long way to go home. Through the park, still not a bright idea, but you are intelligent and a natural loving person.

It's seeing how oddly beautiful nature is. The plant, animals, and the weather play important roles. Even if they are harsh, we all try to survive in a complex life. You thought as you take your walk through the park after a nights read in the library. You continue to think that you'd go to a cafe later today.

Soon your thoughts classically disturbed by nature being moved. But nothing to really worry about since animals live here and the fact you heard a meow.

You instantly recognized the cat from missing posters. The cat was the owner of a cat café you'd walk by everyday. The short furred calico walked up and rubbed against your leg. (Y/N) picked up the Japanese bobtail, giving it attention, and looking her over. You weren't an animal expert, but you did you best since you were an animal lover.

Walking while holding the lost companion, you looked at her red and white collar. In hopes you can find a phone number so the owner can relax. But it only had a tag with her name, lucky, and a big golden bell.

“Lucky huh?” You scratch her cheek to which she purred “Let's get you home”

With that, carrying the relaxed lucky, it was off to the cat café. Luckily morning broke and awakened stores. Oh thank convince.

No choices yet! Next chapter will :D

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