Part one

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I use to be able to be cheerful, now I'm emotionless. I can't even cry anymore. Of course, once you hear my tale you'd understand why you probably wouldn't want to feel shit either. So to start this off I guess I was kidnapped when I was like two, well not I guess, I was.

However, I don't remember that shit, up until almost a year ago I thought the people who had taken me were my family. Maybe that's why I just now feel the need to tell my story? It's coming up to the anniversary of when the physical hell Was stopped(the psychological is still there) My family, my real family, is pretty nice.

I got two older siblings and one younger, no one pressures me to talk or stay during the family times which is nice, I have my own room and that's cool, they got me this bed that's hella squishy and if you press into it, it holds the shape. I also have a phone and computer which I hardly know how to use. My oldest brother took some time off school to stay with me and help me. He's probably the nicest out of everyone, I've heard everyone else complain about me in some way or form, he understands... I don't think he forgives himself for what happened to me, I was two like I totally said earlier and he was five when it happened. He said the story went like this.

We were playing in the backyard, we never had fences but neither did any of the people who lived around us (it's all big plots of land) it was fall and we live by a line of trees the middle sibling between us was sick so my mom kept going between checking on her and us. Me and him sibling were grabbing leaves from the line of trees and pushing them towards our big pile we were making. Annnnnd out of nowhere these three people (two guys and a girl, maybe late teens to early twenties) came up to us from out of the forest and started asking up to play, my older brother said yes and I guess one of the guys grabbed him and started to touch him where he shouldn't, my brother screamed for our mom and that guy snapped his leg like bent in the wrong way then the girl grabbed me and took off with me.

He said my mom went outside and the teens and I were gone. My brother said he said they took me and she ran into the woods screaming. He hates the fall, I can get why. He thinks mom blames him for it all and I try to tell him he's wrong, he was five.. he still doesn't believe me. That's okay, we're here for each other. I guess this can be part one? I don't think I want to write anymore tonight.

Kidnapped: gone for 13 yearsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن