You're Hurt And He's On Tour part 1

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What he does when you are hurt and he is on tour! part 1
HARRY: You had just gone to the bar for a girls night out and were walking home when you tripped in your high heels and twisted your ankle. When you tried to get up you couldn't so you called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived 5 minutes later and took you to the hospital.

Once you arrived they wheeled you in on a stretcher, you were in a lot of pain and had tears in yours eyes. You were placed in an examination room and were lifted onto the hospital bed, you then called Harry to tell him what happened while you waited for the doctor.
H: Hey babe, what's up?
Y/N: H-Hey, umm Haz.... I'm in the hospital. I think I broke my ankle, it hurts a lot and I can't walk on it
H: OMG! ok, deep breaths I am going to get Paul to drive me to the airport and I will be there as soon as possible! I love you!
Y/N: Thank y-you! I love you too!

~~ Skip Plane Ride/Waiting~~

It was now an hour after you called Harry, the doctor had come in earlier to check your ankle but you were nervous so asked if he could come back when your boyfriend was here. You saw the door open and Harry walked in followed by the doctor!
"Harry!! You're here!" you said with relief in your voice.
"Once I heard my baby was hurt, I knew I had to come and take care of her." He said kissing you on the forehead.

The doctor started poking and moving your ankle which hurt A LOT... Harry held your hand tight and didn't let go once and ever time a tear started to slide down your cheek he would wipe it away and kiss you!

After the doctor x- rayed your ankle, put a cast on it and gave you crutches the doctor told you "You are free to go!" You got up and tried using the crutches but failed miserably, so Harry just picked you up bridal style and carried you to his car.

He placed you in the passenger seat and than ran around and got into the drivers seat and drove to your shared apartment.

"I'm so glad that I have the next four days off so that I can stay and spoil you!" Harry said as he parked the car in the parking garage. Harry carried you to your apartment room! After he sat you on the couch, he made you soup and tea! For the next four days he made every meal, cuddled with you while watching movies, made sure you were resting and got you ice whenever you needed it!

NIALL: You were cleaning the house that you and Niall live in as he was coming from to visit tomorrow before going back on your again! While you were dusting the chandelier you fell and hurt your leg. You knew that Niall was in the middle of a concert so you called your friend Y/F/N and she drove you to the doctor.

After an hour at the doctor you found out you had fractured your leg, so you got a cast and had to walk using crutches. When you got home your friend helped you in the house and then left. You messaged Niall and said
To: Niall
I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I won't be able to meet you at the airport because I hurt my leg and I have to rest it. Love you! Xx

You clicked send and then started watching Finding Nemo, your favourite movie! At the end of the film your phone buzzed, you picked it up and it was from Niall!
From: Niall
OMG, princess are you ok? I am taking a flight there tonight to see you! I Love You, stay still your prince is coming! Xx

You locked your phone and decided to take a nap since you didn't have the energy to move. Later you awoken by the front door closing, you opened your eyes to see Niall standing there with a box of chocolate and a bunch of movies!
"How are you doing? It looks painful.." He said
"It is better now but it still hurts... I fractured my fibula." You replied
"Well I have no clue what that is but I am going to be the best doctor and take good care of you! I brought movies, which we can watch all day tomorrow and Nandos for dinner!"

You laughed at how cute Niall was, you loved how much he cared about you! The band was performing in England that week and every night after their shows he would fly or drive (depending of where they were) back to you to check on you and get you anything you need!

LIAM: When you woke up you decided you wanted to go on a bike ride! As you were biking on the gravel path you hit a rock and fell off your bike landing on your hand really hard. You screamed in pain but got up and walked with your bike back home, only using your one good hand.

Once you got home you looked at your hand and your wrist was swollen and purple. You decided to get a taxi and go to the hospital to get it x-rayed. When you arrived the receptionist told you that there would be an hour wait so you sat down, pulled out your phone and texted Liam:
Y/N: Hey babe, I miss you so much! Xx guess what.... I got up to go for a bike ride the morning! And then fell and I think I broke my wrist... I'm in the hospital now waiting to get checked out :(
L: Hey beautiful, WHAT?!? How did you fall? I can't believe I'm not there to help you. Can we FaceTime so I can talk to you and see your wrist? I love you! Xx
Y/N: Yes, please FaceTime me! I have an hour wait until I see the doctor!

You FaceTimed Liam the whole hour you were waiting and then he told you to keep the FaceTime going while you were getting checked out so that he could still be with you to help you through it!

Once you were in the examination room the doctor wasted no time in taking you wrist and moving it around, which hurt SO much, you yelled and tears fell from your eyes. Liam who was still on the FaceTime call started to comfort you by saying encouraging words! You got your wrist put in a cast and then took a taxi home.

~~Skip the Rest of the Day cause you slept and watched movies ~~

The next day you were siting eating breakfast and watching TV when you heard the doorbell ring. You got up and opened the door to see someone holding up huge get well soon basket, you couldn't see their face cause it was covered.

They put the basket which was filled with chocolate, stuffed animals, Advil, movies and stickers(to decorate your cast) and it was Liam! You ran and hugged him!
"Liam what are you doing here, shouldn't you be performing?!"
"We don't have a show tonight, we are suppose to be flying to Australia but once I heard you broke your wrist I told Paul that I needed to come here instead and that I'll fly to Australia tomorrow night before the show!" He replied
"WOW thank you so much! I love you!! You are the best boyfriend ever!"

Both of you ate ice cream, decorated your ugly white cast and cuddled all night long! Liam constantly asking you if you needed ice or pain medication and doing everything for you!

Created to NikkiP3 for the idea!

So sorry this took so long, but anyway here is part 1! I hope you like it :) I will out part 2 with the other boys up hopefully Tuesday!
Remember to

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