New Shnacks

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After a few weeks with being with Jonathan, I quickly got board. There was a new boi at skool. AND LET MEH TELL YOU, BOI LOOOKIN LIKE A SHNACK MADE BY GOD🙏🏻. I quickly had to tell Jonathan that it was over. While walking to the court yard I had sat him down on the bench. He tried kissing me but I covered his mouth and looked him in the eyes. "Jonathan, Im breaking up with you. It's you not me." I said to him. He looked hurt, but I couldn't care less. I was the heart breaker anyway. " you have to understand that there's new shnacks now, so you can go back to petty Betty Veronica ass bitch." I sassed to him " Toodles bitch 👋🏻"        Yes I knew that some people would call me a "slut" or a "whore" but I've learned that when you get called those names you own them.

I walked over to Veronica ass bitch. "Hey bitch, you can have Jonathan Ive found a new shnack." Turned and flipped my gorgeous blonde curly hair as she stood there in disgust calling me a slut. Honestly Iz could care less. I walked over to Justin, my new shnack, and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back. I let go and wiped off my lipstick that was on him. I winked and walked way.

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