Cover Form

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Example(form for covers):

Username: RedKellyy5877
Title: Serenade
Genre: Bts fanfic
People on cover or none: jeon jungkook
Background/ any colors: white
Fonts: Simple
Short description: jungkook is suffering from depression and is living a hard life until he meets someone that gives him hope and brightens his life up.
Mood for cover: bright, lively
Quotes: " I'll sing for as long as you wish for, since you love my voice so much."

( for Genre, if it is a fanfic than state it like got7 fanfic or hunger games fanfic or blackpink fanfic... if it is fantasy then  state if it's werewolf or vampire and so on.. you may also give me background photos and I can do the rest. You can email it to me at

Request here

Questions will be answered in the next chapter

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