Chapter 11

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An hour pasted by,and I'm still wondering what happened between us.Was I imagining the impossible?Or did that really happen? The more I think about it,the more impossible it seems,why would he pick me?Should I just forget about what happened?I guess I will forget,I really don't know what to think.

My dad called me down from the kitchen to eat,honestly i'm not hungry but I need to look like i'm fine so I went down to the kitchen.He had already set the table and was sitting down,I sit down across from him,strangely he was smiling at me which was something I never see him do.How strange,I wonder what he's smiling about.

"So?"He said

I tilt my head to the side,"what?" I said in a playful way

He lifted an eyebrow,"Are you and that Ethan a thing?I don't have a problem with you dating,but we will have problems if he does things to you."

I was speechless and my face was heating up,I don't know what to say at that,"'s....we're not like that."I struggle to say with this embarrassment.Sure I like the dude,but he's out of my reach and even if he was in my reach,why would he even pick me?

"But you like him?" He asked

I blushed really hard," Dad!" I covered my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment

"Ok,ok"He said putting his hands up in a defensive way, "whatever you say kiddo."

I put my hands down and smiled,it was the first real smile I hand in a long time.It felt nice to smile again.

He turned around to head into the living room but before he could go I grabbed him on the arm.
"Hmm?What is it?" He questioned

I took a long breath, "Can we do something together?"I was a bit nervous when saying this.

It was silent for a long time, "Well where do you want to go?"

I felt my whole body light up, "H-how about the Garden squares?"

First he looked at me in a questionable way then smile at me, "ok,kiddo."

"Tomorrow then?"I question,he nodded then walked off to the living room to watch tv.

I ran to my room and was actually excited for tomorrow,I felt like a little kid who was going to see the stars at night with her family.

Out of the darkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant