Author's Note

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this book. The story of the real person characters' is not representing/mirroring their real-life experience, etc.

Warning: The book includes Genderbender, in which one or more characters switch binary sexes. This could be problematic and/or uncomfortable to some, hence please stop reading if the contents caused you to be uneasy. This book also featured scenes that some may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I'll aim to forewarn readers about potentially disturbing content and I ask everyone to help to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and sensitivity.

Reminder: English may be used but the language is not my mother tongue. Hence, I hope for your understanding when the book is not beautifully written with a wide vocabulary and perfect grammars. I would gladly appreciate it if you would want to correct any of my feature mistakes.

* * * *

Hello, Haru here.

The author of Withered @ Broken Flower and this is basically my first fanfiction book. Simply, the novel revolves around the protagonist finding his true self within the havoc of the past had brought and the gentle touch of romance.

I welcomed any comments in the book and criticism. I would be happy if you guys' be real about your opinion and feelings regarding the plot, my writing or the character development. I won't put any barrier to your guys' thoughts and gladly accept any point of view. For me, it's very fascinating how everyone has their own perspective of the storyline and I would like to know. But, please be aware of the warning I've put earlier, I cannot negotiate with such complaints about the genderbender issues as I've put a warning beforehand.

This story is heavy, in which angst mostly conquered. If it comes to you that it's too much to handle, please stop reading.

That's all for now,

Thanks a lot for supporting me :)


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