Incident after Incident

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Hi low everyone. New story time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Twilight only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Maiti pov
I was getting ready for school.

Edward had come back and I already saw issues. He was creating issues with Bella. This was going to be difficult.

I went in to the cafeteria with my siblings

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I went in to the cafeteria with my siblings. Emmett, Edward, and Jasper had decided to have a snowball fight and I had gotten caught in the middle. Rose and Alice were laughing and trying to avoid Emmett who was trying to get them wet. I grabbed Alice and nipped her ear playfully. She squealed and tried to get away from me.
" Okay. Okay. I'm sorry for laughing at you." I chuckled and let her go. Jasper wrapped his jacket around me.
" Sorry darlin." I smiled and shook my head.
" Boys will be boys." Jasper chuckled and Emmett stuck his tongue out at me. Just then I saw Bella. I smiled and went over.
" Hey Bella. Can we talk?" She nodded and said goodbye to her friend. I saw Jessica glare at me so I smirked. I spoke to Bella once we were far enough away.
" So we still have a bit more. Do you want to come back over this weekend?" She smiled.
" I'd like that. Just.......You're sure it's fine?"
" Trust me it is. Alice enjoys having you around. She's oddly calm when she wants to be."
" Sure. That sounds great."
" Great. Just wait for Alice and Emmett after school. They'll bring you." She nodded her head then looked unsure.
" Um. Can I ask you something?"
" Sure."
" Why do your siblings not eat here?" I giggled.
" They're weird. They don't like the school food so they don't eat while they're here. They're picky." Just then I felt something wet hit my back. I growled.
" Excuse me while I go strangle my siblings."

I went over and tackled Emmett down. I shook my wet hair all over him. The others were laughing hard. After we were done goofing around Jasper dried me off. I giggled and sank into his embrace. To anyone else it appeared as if I was trying to warm up. Jasper kissed my neck subtly and calmed me down.

After school Alice and Emmett went with Bella to her house. The rest of us left for the house.

Jasper was sitting next to me and trying to calm me down a bit. Alice skipped in with Emmett and Bella following. Bella sat next to me. She looked pale and ready to puke. I smirked.
" Em. Did you drive?"
" Maybe Maiti. Why?" I snickered. Bella noticed and pinched me. I pretended to be hurt.
" Bella?!" She rolled her eyes but smiled. Alice and I shared a look. Time for some fun. Alice and I had decided that Bella and our parents needed a little push in the right direction. Alice plopped down on my lap causing me to squeak.
" So Bella. How about we get you a makeover?" I rolled my eyes at my mate. Bella looked shocked.
" You sure? I mean I'm not sure it would work for me." Alice huffed.
" Don't try. You are beautiful and we just need to do a few things to make you perfect." Jasper sighed at our mate while I smiled.
" Fine." Edward was glaring at Alice and me by this point. I stuck my tongue out at him and he hissed at me. Jasper snarled softly enough for the human not to hear. That made Edward back off. Alice dragged Bella away and I followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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