Lipstick Kisses

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Blakes pov

I really wanted to get to know Ava more so I offered to go shopping with her. I knew my way around the shopping centre better than anyone so it was only the gentlemanly thing to do. I felt a weird connection to her, something I had never felt before. It was scary and exciting at the same time. I kind of got the feeling that she felt the same way too, but I couldn't be sure. She offered to drive us in her fiat, so off we set. We talked for ages and ages and sang to music together. 'So how long have you and Jessie been together?' she asked 

'No more than 3 months' I replied

 'Oh so your pretty serious then?' Jessie thought we were but I couldn't help but sometimes want for more, I mean I think I love Jessie, or at least that's what I've told here. She has been banging on at me ever since our first date how I'm a virgin and how she wants to change that, but I want my first time to be special, not in a car or in a nightclub toilet. I just replied to Ava saying 'not really' in a quiet voice, I didn't want to make her feel awkward but I also didn't want to make her think I was ridged. I wouldn't think she would judge me anyway, but just to be on the safe side. 'oh, sorry' she said, taking her hand of the wheel and putting it on top of mine. I looked into her blue eyes, they sparkled like stars, I could get lost in them. Suddenly she looked away and pulled over, I hadn't realised, we were at the shopping centre. 'Here we are' she said excitedly. We both got out of the car and headed to go inside. 'Would it be a pain if we had a quick five minuets in Superdrug? I really need a new mascara for tonight' she said looking at me with her puppy dog eyes 'please' I nodded and she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the shop. I felt sparks fly between us

'Hey is this what your looking for?' I asked, I had picked up a  something in a black tube. I didn't actually know what it was but I wanted to try and impress her with my very small makeup skills. She looked over at me and laughed, she walked to me and took the small package out my hands. She was so close I could kiss her. I could smell her perfume, see her flawless skin with one freckle by her eye and I could see her dimples when she smiled and laughed. I felt a sudden pang of pain as I realised, I couldn't kiss her, I couldn't hold her and I could never be with her. 'this' she said showing off the black box 'is a liquid lipstick, but it's a nice shade, very natural' and with that, she placed it back on its display. 'You know you don't really need makeup' I said, blushing. She was close to me again. It was hard to stop my temptations to kiss her. 'oh really?' she said 'why not' I bite my lip and she bites hers but we both do it subtly. I move my head down to her and she leans up to me. I can feel her breathing, she is so close, I reach my hand up to touch her head when suddenly a sales clerk appears 'Can I help you guys find anything?' she asks. We both pull away instantly and I awkwardly rub the back of my neck while Ava asks where their Benefit stall is. I was so close to kissing here, she seemed kind of into it. I look up and as the worker leads her to the stall, she looks behind her and we both smile at each other. I wait a few minutes and catch her at the till. 'hey, I can pay for it if you want' I offer.

 'oh no, I could never ask you to do that' she replied. I insisted but she rejected me politely every time. I eventually caved and told here to meet me by the lipstick stall. I grabbed the shade we had looked at before and ran to the self service to pay for it. Luckily she hadn't seen me. I ran back to the lipstick counter to find her there looking for me. 'oh hey' she said as she saw me walking back to her, 'hey' I said back. I had stuffed the lip stick into my pocket so she couldn't see it. 'I got you a present' I said as we walked out of the shop. She looked at me confusingly. I pulled the makeup out of my pocket. 'oh my god, did you steal that?!' she asked laughing. 'noooooooo' I said equally laughing and handing it back to her. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. 'I paid for it' she looked at me in shock. 

'I can't take that, I feel so bad, you don't need to waste your money on me, maybe we can still return it' she said looking back at the shop. I took her hand and placed the lipstick in it. 

'We can't. I bought it for you.' I said trying not to cringe at my self.

 'are you sure you want me to have this?' she asked. 

'yes, that's why I bought it for you!' I replied

 'are you sure?'


 'okay, okay' we both laughed and I bite my lip again, I couldn't help it. 'Thank you' she said. I wanted to kiss her right there and then, but I knew I couldn't, so I resisted. 'no problem, consider it a house warming present' we embraced in a hug and then she gave me a short kiss on the cheek. 'I'm so sorry' she said. we looked into each others eyes and I kissed her back, but not on the cheek, on her soft lips. I was standing against a wall. I pushed my self up against it. Ava placed one hand on my chest and the other around my head. I placed one of my hands behind her head too and the other one a lot further down, near the top of her thighs and I rested it there.  It lasted for about a minute . The best minute of my life, until we both pulled away and awkwardly laughed. I had never kissed anyone so passionately. 'we shouldn't be doing this' she said 'you have a girlfriend, I'm so sorry, I never meant to,' she stopped and looked at the ground.  I told her it was fine, and we both agreed it was just a thank you kiss. nothing more and nothing less, but I couldn't help but feel like it was something more, and I'm pretty sure she felt the same way.

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