Bryony polock

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A/N the picture above is Bryony aka Katherine McNamara. This is my first bondi rescue fanfic and I'm pretty new to the show and I'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible. Most parts are made up though so I don't know how that works but oh well

Please give feedback! 

-hooiman_being xx

Bryony's POV

I always loved Sydney , the constant  flow of people walking on the streets, some people on a grocery trip, others exploring this wonderful place. Right now, I'm standing outside of my mothers house. Ready to go see my big brother Jesse.

My names Bryony Connor polock and I'm your typical 15 year old Aussie girl. A typical Aussie being someone who loves the beach, surfing and adventure. That pretty much describes me.

At the age of 3 my father passed away, and since then my mother has married twice. The first one was pretty alright, he cheated on her though. The second.. well they're still together, but he is horrible. He mentally and physically abused us for 3 years before we went to England. But we never told mum, he made us say we'd fallen off our skate boards or knocked ourselves on the wall.

But ever since my dad died, my mum just didn't care about us anymore. She was just cold and empty. Jesse said she used to be happy and energetic, but now she hardly does anything with us.

Although I love Sydney so much, I haven't spent my whole life here. No, I lived in the north of England with my twin brother Bradley and my aunt Sylvia. Why you ask? Well Jesse got in trouble a lot, and my parents didn't want us getting involved. So at the age of 11 we were whisked off into wet, dull, gray England. While Jesse had the luxury of staying at Sydney.

After four long years away from my best friends I finally returened, Bradley too. (If you were wondering)  on the other side of Sydney, Jesse was completely oblivious that we were home. And we planned to surprise him. 

So I was standing outside my mothers house, waiting for her to unlock the car so we can see Jesse. He had finished work just over half an hour ago, so he'd most likely be in his apartment.

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