Love Letter #1

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Dear Jason,

It's Praline here. I know this may be a little crazy to be writing you a letter but this one is special. It's a love letter. Oh, wait. Was I supposed to tell you that? I don't know but here it goes. In this letter, I wanted to tell you that I like you. My letter kind of goes like this quote, "Every girl has that one guy, she has a crush on forever." It feels like I've known you forever and that you've been my crush since I first met you. But, that's actually kind of true because of freshman year.

I met you in New Media class with the teacher Mr. Volo. I sat right next to you in the back of the class. The seating chart went in alphabetical order until Mr. Volo decided to change it up. I was kind of sad because you were the only person I started to get to know a lot in that class. I met some people during WOW Week but I hadn't met you yet until that class. Now I say that because I figured out that you had a brother that also went to school with us.

Freshman year, I understand it was probably my wrongdoing. Anyways, I had just met you but I started to like you. I wrote you a poem trying to tell you how I felt about you. They were my own words but it didn't seem like you cared when you read it. Later on that day, I was going to my English class. Somehow, this poem got sent around to some of your friends. Rodrigo mentioned it to me as soon as I walked into English class. He said to me, "You like Jason? And you wrote him a love letter?" Now, I was embarrassed because he had just said that out loud to the whole class. The good thing was that, he didn't have the "letter" to read to the class and that he didn't remember what was written.

After that, I was hurt that I wanted to go up to you. I didn't want to because I was kind of mad at you but it didn't take away the fact that I still believe you're a better person than this. Now for a couple days, I tried to find out how the poem got out in the first place. You told me that you didn't pass it on and that if I wanted proof, I could ask your friend Cory. He said you didn't pass it on but it still had me wondering how Rodrigo knew that I liked you somehow. I kept trying to ask you but after that, I think you just told me to drop the act already. I still didn't really want to believe you but over the years, I've realized you're more than that. What I mean is, my feelings started to form gradually for you. This quote helps explain it, "The first time I met you, it wasn't love at first sight. My love for you formed gradually. Your personality, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your humor, the way you looked away and smiled. Gradually, it all came clear to me, you were exactly what I was looking for."

You actually mean something to me and to other people. But in the next year after all that happened, you got a girlfriend. Her name was Hannah. I'm going to be honest with you. Not just right now, but these are my real thoughts and feelings coming down all in a letter. I didn't really picture you two together. I mean, I saw you guys hanging out after church on Thursday nights talking to each other but I didn't think anything of it. After you two got together, I told a few of my closest friends because they knew I really liked you. This quote really reminds me of them, "People always ask, "Do you still like him? Honestly, I don't really know. But I do know there's just something about him I can't let go." This is so true because there was something that I just couldn't let go of you. I couldn't let go of the fact that you were dating somebody else other than me. It made me kind of upset because you decided to give her a chance and not me. I didn't want to fully understand what was going on in my relationship life. I'm going to give you an example of why I was upset about you two together.

It was freshman year and the Sadies dance was coming up at school. I planned to ask you with this big ask that had a baseball theme to it. You were on the baseball team freshman year and I wanted it to be special. A lot of people ask the boys they want by what sport they play. It's also because it's more special. So my Sadies baseball ask was this, "I'm just gonna throw you a curveball and ask you to Sadies." I even drew a baseball and a bat on the poster. Jackie and Maria had even decided that they were going to help me ask you. Such as, holding the poster and calling you to come to wherever location we were meeting. They even told me since all of you were on ASB together that year, that if somebody you knew did a big ask for you for the Sadies dance, you would say yes to that person. So, here I was all confident because I was really ready to ask you to the dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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