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Sorry I've been dead, I've been deciding wether or not I should keep posting here and well... I think it's worth a shot.

I know I go on a lot of hiatus', but it's mostly because of school and I lose motivation since I feel as if no one here watches my art :/

I'll just keep trying! Hopefully my arts worth watching!

Anyways this is my character Dylan, I've been working hard on his character for years and you're living proof of how cringy he was! I'm proud of how he's turning out to be (-^_^-)

Now... for Dylan's actual description!

Dylan is an artistic person; he admires art, music, theater and choreography. As for hobbies he loves to play video games, watch movies, swim and dance whenever he's alone. His favorite movie genres are action, comedy and even romance. He's also part of a nurse club where he learns things like cpr, how to take care of wounds and others.

Since he takes swimming lessons and his mom is a nutritionist, he eats healthy and has a muscular physique, but he's actually a bit conscious about his body since he was teased for being chubby when he was little.

To earn money, he works at a smoothie bar along side his best friend. Sadly he is harassed and judged there because of his looks and people tend to think he's some kind of "womanizer" (even though he's not interested.)

Because of this he's extremely loving and loyal to those who actually take the time to get to know him.

That's about it so far, I need to add more funfacts about him like "He needs glasses,but wears contacts", but that's for the future!

I hope you love Dylan as much as I do and give me a chance

•<•~ thanks for watching

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