Playing Cupid

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For people who don't know captain N:
[In case you're confused Captain N is a show from the 80's about Nintendo characters(and some random teenage boy named Kevin with his good dog, Duke) defending their home (Videoland) from a villainous group led by the main bad guy, Motherbrain. Yes, the show is kinda cringy and hard to watch sometimes but I watched a whole season on youtube and loved it, so here's the first episode:

Actual story:
Ahh, videoland. "It feels so good to be back." I turn to my friends, Megaman hearing me nodded. "Sure is." He smiles, punching my arm playfully. Which actually really hurt but we're not gonna talk about that-

"Where is everyone?" Dark asks us, looking around the warp zone we entered to get here. "The castle." Megaman tells him while I secretly rub at the pain in my arm. "It should be a little underneath mount Icarus.."

"Wait. You get a mountain named after you!?" Dark gasps, looking at me. I look away and scrath the back of my neck a little timidly as I explain. "Well, It's named more after my game really, but yeah I was called Icarus way more back then so I guess it kinda is named after me..?" That was a horrible explanation.

"I've always wondered why people do actually, you're name is Pit.." Dark wonders. I shake my head and correct his thoughts. "It's cause I came from Kid Icarus and nobody knew it was my game because they didn't know my game existed." "Stop being self-deprecating!" Megaman scolds me as we reach the castle's walkway.

As we enter the building the turnout was actually alot more people than I expected. "Wow." Megaman exclaims in awe as he looks around. "The N team's alliance seems to have gotten a whole lotter bigger the past couple of years." I nod and look around myself.

It isn't until I look to my left do I realize that Dark is missing- Dark is missing! Wait, he doesn't know anyone or anything here. "Oh no." "What!?" Megaman asks while I try to peek over some taller people. "Dark," I tell him, crouching down to see if I can find his sandal boots. Unfortunately a good amount of people are wearing sandals, I guess the locals of mount Icarus showed up too..

When I come back up Megaman looks around. "I can't even see Dark." He realizes, trying to look for anybody with black hair. "But you shouldn't worry," he tells me, "He's not a kid, he can take care of himself." I look at him for a moment letting his words sink in. "Megaman.." I get his attention, "Dark may be my twin and I love him, but he was made in 2012, he is literally a six year old!" He looks down as I tell him the truth, thinking for a moment.

"Ok.." He suggests, looking back at me. "What if we split up, search the crowd and find him?" I nod, "We'll meet upstairs around 8:00pm to see if we've found him." Before Megaman agrees somebody screams, some lady probably by the way it sounded. Everyone directs their attention to where the sound came from. "Wait, what if that's Motherbrain!?" Megaman shouts, I gasp and run over to the scene right beside him.

As we push through the crowd it seems people just stop caring, standing around as the sounds of crying get louder and louder. "What's wrong!?" I shout, as Megaman and I finally exit the crowd.

But instead of a giant brain monster thing in a jar, there's a big tan man, sobbing, clutching Dark close to his chest. "Simon?" Megaman asks the buff crying man in confusion. Not what I expected at all. Simon looks up at us with tears in his eyes and when his gaze lands on me he gasps. "Kid!" He shouts out, grabbing for me and crushing me alongside my twin. "Thank god, I thought you'd gone emo! Seeing you're still a twink is such a relief!" He cries some more, tears of joy I think, despite the fact that both Dark I struggle against him for the ability to breathe now. As Megaman tries to pry Simon away from crushing our bodies something happens that makes him drop both of us.. on Megaman.

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