question 10

103 4 12

by purple_notebook

lj favorite candy

ben favorite video game

masky favorite cheescake

jeff favorite killing technique "I dont even no how to spell"

ej favorite way to cook kidneys

slender favorite book

sally favorite teddy

hoodie favorite way to kill people to kill

nina favorite anime


lj : lollipops

ben:call of duty black ops 2

jeff :hahah


jeff:you said duty

ben:shut up

masky:strawberry cheescake

jeff:stabing there neck and carving a smile

ej:frying them

slender:the falt in our stars

everyone:haha gggggaaaaaaayyyyy

sally:my teddy

hoodie the ones who hert masky

nina:sailor moon

emo:wtf is going on here

sorry I love the fult in our stars and sailor moon and I have another book im working on 2 so check that out and can u guys make more dares and truths a


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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