Chapter One

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"You little cunt!" The blonde exclaimed, dodging the fist of the brunette standing across from him.

"Who you calling cunt!?" said brunette growled back. "You were the one who started this!"

Jean Kirstchien snarled at the other boy, Eren Jeager and threw another punch at him, hitting him directly in the nose. Jean smirked with satisfaction.

"At least one of us knows how to throw a punch Jeager!" He mocked. The blonde was answered with a fist to the jaw. As Jean stumbled back a few steps, Eren smiled.

"yeah," he said. "and it's me."

The brunette had a thick layer of blood dripping down his nose, but he didn't care. He had a sick look on his face, as though he enjoyed it. He stepped forward, prepared to throw another punch, but a loud voice stopped him.

"ENOUGH!" The voice rang out. The crowd of kids who were surrounding Eren and Jean quickly dispersed.

Erwin Smith looked at the two boys infront of him. Let's just say he was not impressed.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He didn't yell. No he didn't yell. This was much worse than that. He spoke in a low, deep voice that sounded calm, but the two teens knew better than to think the usually gentle giant was calm. Everyone knew that when Erwin spoke like this, you were in trouble. So the boys just stood there, looking at the ground.

"Well?" Erwin spoke again. The two boys just stood there.

Erwin sighed and started walking off. "Come with me. Now." The blonde and brunette wisely followed.


"Sir, the horse started it! I was just minding my own buisness when he-"

"What the hell are you talking about douchebag! You started it when you bumped into me!"

"You shoved me into a wall!"

"Because you bumped into me!"

The two boys were arguing relentlessly in Principal Pyxis' office. Both Pyxis and Erwin were just standing there watching the boys, slowing becoming more and more agrgivated. Although this wasn't the first time the four of them had been in this situation. Oh no, not at all. Jean and Eren would get into fights, be found covered in blood, dirt, grass or all of the above by Proffeser Erwin, and then be brought to Principal Pyxis' office where they would await their punishment. The only problem was that neither one of them would take the blame. As Jean said it wasn't his fault because Eren bumped into him first. Obviously. Of course it wasn't Eren's fault because Jean pushed him into a locker. Precisley.

"Why you little bi-"

"That's enough." Principal Pyxis declared, stepping between the two teens. "You two have been in his office three times this week. Enough is enough."

Eren stood there, looking at the ground. Jean stared at Pyxis, awaiting his punishment.

"You two are to go home while me and Mr.Smith discuss your punishment. You will be notified by phone call if you are to come back." He stated plainly.

"Yes sir..." Eren mumbled as we slipped out of the office.

"Whatever." Jean said and strode out to his locker.


Eren knew he was in the wrong. He was a good kid and normally wouldn't hurt a fly. But there was something about Jean he couldn't put his finger on. Something annoyed him to no ends. Something that just got under his skin and into his head. Something...Something he just couldn't figure out.

"Stupid Horseface..." Eren mumbled as he walked home.

As he looked around he found that he was only a few houses away from home. Eren didn't want to go home. He never did. See, Eren's mother Carla, died giving birth to him. His father Grisha never forgave him for that. Though it was Eren's fault that she died and has taken his anger out on the brunette ever since. Never the less, Eren walked into his house, quietly closing the door as he tried not to be noticed. He was on the fourth step out of seven when the voice he dreaded above all else rang out.

"EREN!!" Grisha yelled.

Eren winced and turned around. "Y-yes father?" He stammered.

Eren was sent stumbling back by a loud and hard slap to his face. His own hand flew up to his cheek and held it as the cowering teen tried not to let his tears fall.


"I was... I was sent home early after some kids got into a fight at school. All the bystanders went home..." Eren looked away as the lie slipped through his lips. Technically he was telling the truth. Just not all of it.

"Go to your room and don't let me see your goddamn worthless and ugly face for the rest of the night." Grisha growled and shoved Eren up the steps.

"Yes father..." Eren whispered and ran up to his room.

The only thing Eren wanted in life was a family that would love him... a father that wouldn't abuse him. But he could only dream of those things. After all... they were impossible.


Jean walked home with a scowl on his lips. He too, had no idea why he hated Eren so much. There was just an unspeakable thing about that annoying face and messy brown hair that he just couldn't stand.

"Fucking douchebag." He thought aloud.

Jean was almost home. Just like Eren, he dreaded the though of walking through those doors. Only he dreaded it for a completely different reason.

"I'm home!" Jean yelled as he closed the door behind him.

"Jeanie!!!!" A shrill voice screamed as a little girl tore around the corner and jumped on her big brother.

"Hey there little devil!" Jean smiled as he held up his little sister. "I thought you were feeling sick and that's why you didn't go to school today.."

"I was! But I'm feeling better now!" Bianca grinned up at Jean.

"Jean..?" A sweet voice with a heavy French accent questioned.

"Hiya mom...." Jean said, avoiding his mothers eyes. This was the reason he dreaded coming home. To see the disappointment on his mothers face as she realized why he was home early for the third time this month.

"Again Jean really?" Antoinette sighed as she took Bianca from her sons arms.

"Sorry Ma.... it just... happened."

"Well you can tell Marco that he's not to come over tonight and you can go to your room and go to bed without dinner tonight."

"...okay..." Jean sighed as he walked into his room. He hated making his mother look like that. Hated seeing the look of disappointment on her face. He knew she expected more from him. He expected more form himself. But he just couldn't help it, and he didn't know why.


Hey guys! So I just wanted to say thanks for reading this! Not all chapters will be this long. Some might be shorter or longer and the POV (Point Of View) will range from third person to Jeans POV and Erens POV. I hope you guys enjoy and I'll try to post an update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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