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Scott POV
"Dude you're going to be fine. Take a chill pill," my best friend, Stiles Stilinski, assures me as a paced around my room anxiously.

"A few days ago, I was attacked in the woods by some sort of...creature type thing," I explained, trying to remember what the beast looked like. "You know what I'm DONE trying to describe it. But anyway it left a giant bite mark on my lower chest, and now it's gone. Disappeared. Zap. Zing. NOT THERE ANYMORE." I picked up my inhaler, but with the sense that I didn't even need it anymore, I threw it at the wall in frustration, shattering the device completely. Stiles springs up and tries to calm me down.

"Okay, Okay," he says, grabbing my shoulders as I breathe heavily. "You need to stop thinking about that night."

"It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe it doesn't have to. Not right now at least. Listen, Scott, we have lacrosse tryouts today and that needs to be our main priority. Understand?" I looked at him. He was right, I needed to get my mind off that night, and begin focusing on the things that mattered. With that, we grabbed our stuff, and piled into Stile's Jeep. As we drove off to school I tried to ignore the sweat on my forehead and the burning feeling where my bite mark had been.

Andrea POV
"What do you mean she's DEAD," I scream, picking up the metal coffee table and launching it at the wall.

"Andrea," Derek say calmly, but firmly, "I need you to calm down."

"Don't tell me TO CALM DOWN," I threaten him. My eyes turned. Instead of being hazel they glowed a vibrate yellow. I could feel my claws take the place of my finger nails. My emotions were taking over, I was losing control of my werewolf side. In agony, I pulled my eyes away from my brothers', and brought my hands to my head, digging my nails into my scalp. Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them flow. I would not allow my weakness to show. Not yet.

Scott POV
As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School we are greeted by Jackson Wittmore. And when I say "greeted" I mean he cut us off with his Porsche, and gave us a dirty look as he exited his vehicle.

"Asshole," Stiles mutters. He pulls the keys out of the car, and we walk towards the building. I had hoped the burning feeling would have subsided. It did not.

Andrea POV
Suddenly I am swarmed with memories from the night of the fire. Screams echo in my ear, and the final words of my mother replay in my mind.

"Stop it," I whisper, "please go away." But they don't. The screams get louder.

"Andrea?" Derek says, his voice full of concern. He slowly begins to walk towards me, but I turn away. Then, I fall to my knees.

"Please go away." I am crying now. I was unable to hold back the tears. I am weak. I am weak, and upset, and scared. But most of all, I'm angry. I feel the anger burn throughout my entire body. What I need, is to be left alone, to be allowed space to cool down. Derek doesn't know that. How could he possibly know that? And if he did know, would it matter? Nevertheless, he kept approaching me, slowly, and with his arms held out. He gently placed his hand on my shoulder, completely unprepared for my reaction.

Scott POV
It's lunch time, and Stiles and I eat alone on a bench outside of the school. Neither of us speak, for Stiles is too busy gazing over at Lydia Martin and her cliche, whereas I am too focused on the burning feeling. Not only has it not gone away, but it has gotten much worse than before. It is almost unbearable, yet I hopelessly try to put it out my mind.

Andrea POV
Everything was a complete blur. I was no longer in full control of my actions. Instead, I was forced to watch my inner wolf lash out at my brother by trying to claw at him. My features had altered, and I had turned full werewolf. However, Derek is a lot stronger than me, and his agility it much more keen than mine. He is able to grab my wrists, and hold them tight as possible until the wolf gives in and Andrea returns.

Scott POV
"Scott?" I think I hear Stiles say, but I am not certain. It is as if my ears are stuffed with cotton balls. I turn to him, and take in the horrified look upon his face.

The sweating has increased, and spread to all parts of my body.  The burning sensation is greater than ever before, and I look down to see that in the location in which I was bit,
I have bled through my shirt. I look back up at Stiles. Right now, familiarity is my best bet.

"D-dude," he stutters, "you're e-eyes are glowing. Okay, now I'm terrified. Panicked, I pull out my phone. Before I even take an observant look at myself, I see the yellow reflect back at me. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go, but suddenly a voice in my head appears.

Despite the grand confusion, something within me convinced me to run. I take off, running faster than ever before to the place where it all started: the woods.

Andrea POV
Once I calm down and regain control of my emotions, Derek releases my wrists, yet I am still in horror of what I had just become and what I had tried to do.

No one could stop me as I turned around and made a run for the door. Derek called after me, and I assume her tried to chase me as well, but he would never be able to catch me. I pride my self on wing faster than him. As I ran, not sure if Andrea or the wolf was in charge, I had one location on my mind: the woods.

Scott POV
I had no idea in the world how far I had run, but my legs could no longer take me any further. Hopelessly I feel to my knees, put my head down, and began pounding the ground. When I looked up again, I was surprised by what I saw. There before me was a teenage girl, leaning against a tree. It was clear that she had been through as much agony as I had.

Andrea POV
I ran. I ran. I ran. I ran. And I ran. I could've run further, but every muscle in my body told me to stop when a boy about my age had collapsed in my path. I lean against a tree, and begin to catch my breath.

When the boy finally looks up, I immediately recognize that he is a newly turned werewolf, struggling to except what he is and deal with his new strengths. And although I had no idea who he was, I had never related to a person more in my entire life.
I have mixed feelings about this chapter but I still kinda liked the parallels between Andrea and Scott and the build up of emotion. If you like this chapter please vote and comment to let me know!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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