Chapter 2.

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My routine begins again in the morning but instead of my mind being focused on certain things such as work, all my thoughts seemed to revolve around the inexplicable boy I'd encountered yesterday. It was human nature to judge others and from what I collected he appeared to be unapproachable and a little full of himself but as soon as he opened his mouth I was fascinated to learn that he was not exactly what I had expected.

I went through a mental check-list in my mind, walking towards the elevators, preparing my self for the wait. One of the few things I didn't like about living on the second to the top floor. I pressed the button and breathed out heavily, still waking up a little.

The doors opened a few minutes after and I was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar figure standing in the same position he was in yesterday. A smile creeped onto my face but his expression stayed the same. Walking into the confined space, my eyes couldn't detach from him. He seemed to be avoiding my gaze as he kept looking everywhere but at me.

The shirt he wore was faded with a Grateful Dead symbol on the front. Like yesterday the clothing was sleeveless, with small tears in the fabric near his collar bone. Black skin-tight jeans engaged his long slender legs, matching the dark colored vans on his feet. His hand was placed on top of the other, his arms forming a wide 'V' across his upper body. Small specks of blonde stubble aligned his jawline and scattered his chin, which was hard to see in the dimly lit elevator. Hair styled the same way, up and stiff, and mindlessly humming a song that was unrecognizable.

With each floor we passed, I felt myself growing more and more anxious for some reason. I wanted to say something but I didn't know where to start. My fingers wouldn't remain still and I was barely swaying. I felt as if I was required to do or say something.

"H-Hi." My voice was timid and shaky.

I regretted the words immediately after they escaped my lips. I had no idea why I was so nervous to speak to a stranger. Perhaps it was because I seemed to be attracted to him. There was no denying he was handsome in a rugged sort of way, not the typical boy I'd show interest in.

He looked down at me and a grin tugged at his thin lips. His blue eyes appeared to be darker now than before, but traveled up and down my body like before.

"Hey, Pixies girl, right?" He spoke slowly as if he'd just woken up. His deep voice seemed deeper somehow.

I nodded giddily, I wasn't sure if he'd remembered me, but I was glad he did.

"Where're you headed?" He asked, casually.

His lips pressing into a thin line as he licked them. I stood there, trying to stare at all of his features at once. I shook myself out of the trance I was in long enough for me to actually respond.

"Work." I spoke with a bored tone in my voice.

He nodded with a "hmmm" in response.

Before I could ask him the same, the elevator doors both opened up to a busy lobby. He turned to me and stuck his arm out, gesturing for me to go first. I thanked him and walked out slowly.

He followed, both of us heading for the building's entrance, he once again let me go first as he opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I say while shielding out the sun from my eyes with my hand.

"You're welcome." He said in a somewhat chirpy tone.

He gave me a slight nod and walked in the opposite way I was about to go. A little disappointed I started down the sidewalk towards work.

Through the giant glass window that occupied most of the wall of the shop, I could tell today would be a slow day.

Hesitantly, I walked through the door to see a few people scattered across the room at tables painting. I went over to where I a saw another employee who just so happened to be my best friend.


She was hunched over the counter resting her head on her hands. Cher and I had worked at Painted Dream for about three years. Unlike me, Cher hated working here, the reason most likely being she had to work with kids all day.

Instead of replying with a hi or a hey she made an animalistic groan, which I was used to by now. Her normally wavy dyed-blonde hair was dry and frizzed, the darker tint that hung under her eyes hinted that she probably hadn't had a good rest in ages. Cher's hair stopped at about mid-neck and her skin wasn't necessarily tanned but not powder white, her eyes were a pale blue that were both haunting and gorgeous.

"Well, while you stand there all day, I'm gonna actually make good use if my time." I say cheerfully, placing my bag on the counter.

She lifts her head up, giving me a questioning look, she moved as if it took all her energy just to stand up straight.

"Look who's in a good mood today." She said, mockingly.

I looked back to her shaking my head.

"What is it?" She asked.

She seemed to be less tired now as she strolled over to where I was standing, examining my face for something.

"Did you get laid or something?"
She says blatantly.

Oh, another thing I loved about Cher. Brutally honest. I shook my head and smacked her arm, as if to say 'be quiet.' A gesture I've had to use too many times on her.

"Come on, Paige. If you did there's no reason to be shy." Shy was definitely not one of my characteristics. If anything I was unashamed of anything I did.

I wasn't in the mood for this. Cher knew that, she just loved to be a bother.

She shrugged, letting her shoulders slump down. I was glad she didn't interrogate me like she usually does. I was still figuring out what was happening myself. What was it about the boy in the elevator?

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