Chapter Two"Wellington High"

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Niall Horan from One Direction admits to masturbating on the tour bus .He describes it as 'relieving tour bus boredom'

Chapter Two"Wellington High"

Cecilia,you're breaking my heart.
You're shaking my confidence daily-

I groan turning over groggily slapping my alarm clock.

Releasing a weird grunt I curl up in the sheets again giving in to the cold yet warm feeling.

I love my bed

I only love my bed and my momma

Although I don't have a momma....

But that's another story for another day,I'm no storyteller.

Cecilia,you're breaking-

I had hit snooze

I groan lunging for my alarm clock,my butt hits the marble floor painfully and I keep punching the annoying contraption.

I'm sure every teen suffers from Dysania.

"And alarmy takes the fall,whoo he's down,yelling cecilia in agony,who's cecilia might we ask?Oof Jemma has his back on the floor struggling to keep him down with her mad TMNT skills and 1! 2! 3!"

" And the crowd goes wild!!!!Whooo!!!"I jump up from the floor celebrating my victory and making John Cena's music with my mouth but keep on throwing my hands in the air and jumping saying yes

"That was really entertaining"My dad is leaning on the doorway his muscular arms folded a smirk on his face.

"Daddy!"I run to him throwing arms around his torso.

Sugar snaps,he's tall!

He chuckles wrapping his muscular arms around me then I let go.

"I just wanted to check on you before I head to work and you to school"Dad says walking into my room looking around.

Yeah,he hasn't really seen my room

You see,we moved to New York on Friday,today's Monday.
He didn't come with us-i,Emily and the house staffs-he was too busy with work and had to go through the stress of setting up a new branch of J Sinclair (for short) in NYC.

I was really reluctant to move here but Russo all but carried me into the private jet.

Plus,this mansion dad rented is in an estate.Crimson Winters Estate and dad's firm legalised the documents and other lawyerish terms I'm too smart to worry about.

"School?"I squeak

"Yes school.Riley is going to drive you and Emily to a secondary school school named Wellington High,I've enrolled you too and all the needed things have been done.Simply locate your locker and classes.The owner of the school is an old friend of mine and bear in mind he will be watching you"Dad says monotone like he's reading the rules to his clients.

"Yes sir"I nod.He mutters a good walking out.

I never spend much time with my dad,I hardly even see him, he's a busy man who drowns himself in work.

With a height of 6"5,broad muscular chest, raven dark hair,disturbingly black eyes,straight shadowlike eyebrows,deep authoritative voice and thin masculine lips my dad is intimidating and gathers women attention every where he goes.

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