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Dislocations, sprains, etc..

Ordinary treatment.

- To avoid the swelling is necessary, as soon as

it happens the accident, put the injured part in cold water,

water in the previously are poured one ounce of extract of


Compresses applied after camphorated brandy. If this fails

to prevent swelling, the battle with emollients, such as

linseed meal poultices or of marshmallow root.

It is essential to the rest of the ill and also require diet and

drinks refreshments.

SPECIAL TREATMENT. In all cases pains, sprains,

dislocations, it is highly recommended the use of fat

marmot, called Miraculous.

This medicine on account of his name makes laugh not

have used it ever occurs wonderful results.

Chilblains, cracks, CRACK Take a clump of celery, whole,

please to boil for an hour, soon, in three liters of water.

Wash in the morning and afternoon, with the cooking, the

diseased part.

Healing in 6 or 8 days.

- OTHER REMEDY. - In a liter of milk please cook for ten

minutes to a handful of Keep warm, avoid moisture.

Understandable in a pharmacy or herbal 25 grams of root

bark of simarruba (tree of Guiana) and agree to

bake in a liter of wine until reduced by half.

Drink a glass in the morning and afternoon, fasting. Healing

at 24 hours.

In some cases it leads to vomiting tea.

So it is when it comes to viscous would disagree or bilious,

so common in warm climates. Then the cure is still


Against all kinds of dysentery, here two new and infallible


For older people. - Mix the contents of a glass of water and

two cups of vinegar strong, boil until reduced by half;

cold drink in the morning before breakfast, two times,

twenty-minute intervals.

For children. - A diluted egg sugar water, during the day,

cook them of rice.

When in consequence of dysentery they be too strong

stomach pains, please A poultice of chamomile oil (see



Ordinary treatment. -There is a portion pain, localized in

different regions, such as are the lumbago (pain in the

kidney) pain in the knee, shoulder, etc.., which are cured

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