Chapter 1

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It's my first day of school. Y/N sighed. New school, new friends, new life. Y/N stared into the bathroom mirror thinking about her lonely life, Y/N moved schools five times. I should be used to this, it's a routine by now. Y/N stopped and decided it was time to walk to school.

While Y/N was walking to school she noticed six boys who were around her age walking in the same school uniform she's wearing. Do they go to my school? I might see them around. Y/N shrugged and just continued walking to school.

Y/N slowly walked into her classroom feeling uneasy. Y/N looked up and saw that two of the six guys are in her class. They must be around my age then. She sat down at an empty desk surrounded by more empty desks, Y/N started to daze off until.

"Hey!" A voice said.

"Huh?" Y/N jumped up. "Oh, hi!" She hesitated. Y/N saw that it was one of the boys.

"I've never seen you around before, are you new?" He asked.

"Yes." Y/N quietly asked.

"Nice, have fun around here, it's an amazing school so no need to be nervous," He softly told her. "I'm, Zi Hao!" Zi Hao happily introduced himself.

"I'm, Y/N! Nice to meet you." Y/N started to feel more comfortable with Zi Hao's joyful presence.

"Over there is my friend, Han Yu!" Zi Hao pointed to the other boy who he was talking to earlier. "He's shy around new people but I'm sure he would love you!"
"Eh?" Y/N got startled with the word love.

"As a friend of course," Zi Hao saw how startled Y/N was and tried explaining.

"Ah, I see." She giggled awkwardly.

Class started and Zi Hao and Han Yu decided to sit with Y/N, Han Yu of course felt quite shy and awkward around Y/N since he doesn't know her at all. They're both quite cute, and Zi Hao seems so friendly and funny. She thought as she stared out the window.

"Introduce yourself to her," Zi Hao whispered to Han Yu.

"I don't want to." Han Yu whispered back feeling more shy.

"Do it or else," Zi Hao nudged Han Yu.

"Alright," Han Yu nudged Zi Hao back. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hm?" Y/N instantly broke out of her thoughts.

"I know you already know who I am and I know who you are but I hope we can become friends," Han Yu sweetly told Y/N with a soft smile.

"I hope we can become friends too," Y/N said back with a sweet smile.

Han Yu started to blush and quickly laughed it off.

Ah, Han Yu is so cute. Y/N chuckled seeing that Han Yu turned shades of pink.

"Hey, when do you have lunch?" Zi Hao asked her.

"I believe sixth period," She responded.

"That's when me and my other friends have lunch!" Zi Hao excitedly said.

"Really? Let's meet up!" Y/N gleefully said knowing she won't be alone at lunch.

It was lunchtime, Zi Hao quickly ran to Y/N's class and Han Yu' class to pick them up to go outside for lunch.

"Don't be shy around my friends, they love meeting new people." Zi Hao explained to her.

"Ah, that's nice to know," Y/N listened as they walked down the halls and out the door to meet up with the rest.

They met up with the other four and Y/N realized it was the boys from the morning. "I'm, Y/N!" Y/N introduced herself.

"Hello I'm, Xin Long!" One of the boys sat up and greeted her.

"I'm, Zeyu." Another said.

"I'm, Mingrui!" He said joyfully with his sweet smile.

"And I'm, Shu Yang!" A cute little boy said.

"You have a lot of friends," Y/N was a bit overwhelmed.

"Yeah, we all met when we became a c-pop group." Zi Hao casually slipped out.

"A c-pop group!" Y/N yelled feeling way overwhelmed.

"I forgot to tell you right," Zi Hao giggled. "Who wants to tell her?"

"Me!" Xin Long said as he quickly bolted his arm up. "We're in a group called, BoyStory," Xin Long started to explain everything as Y/N sat down to calm herself.

After lunch it was time to exit school, Y/N walked home with her new friends.

"Thanks for being my friends!" Y/N thanked them.

"No need to thank us," Zeyu told Y/N.

"It's alright," Shu Yang said.

"Anyways, see you guys tomorrow." Y/N went around giving them hugs.

The last person she hugged was Han Yu and as soon as she hugged him she felt a spark, as if she had feelings for Han Yu. Woah I haven't had these types of butterflies in years. After the hugs, Y/N waved goodbye and walked into her house.

"Guys, I think I might like, Y/N." Han Yu randomly blurted out.

"What!?" The rest screamed in shock.

aaaa, i quickly wrote this so if there's any errors thats probably why, i felt lazy too. anyways, this was my first fanfic i ever wrote whoot, please give criticism if you don't like anything!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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