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[ imagine this entire chapter is in norwegian]

"SO IS this true? did you send these to chris?" eva asked, turning the phone to her face.

her freind's eye widened, at the lewd photos of someone she didn't even recognize. "no, i never sent him nudes! i don't even know who this is," she exclaimed, taking the phone from her and studying them closer. "why?" she asked slowly, bracing for an answer that may not have been good.

"because these are spread all around the school."

"cut!" the director calls out in norwegian, ending the filming of that scene, and filming for the rest of that day. jasmine breathed out a sigh of exhaustion, but also relief that they were finally done filming that episode.

she usually loved filming days, becoming more sad then excited when they were over. but today something had been looming over her head since she arrived early that morning.

"god i'm so nervous," laila remarked, walking alongside jasmine back to the area of set with the dressing rooms. "they said 5 but it's still not here yet."

"yeah but that's probably californias crazy timezone. it'll be hours before they send them out to europeans," jasmine says, slipping her long brown curls into a ponytail. "but im 90
percent sure i didn't land the role, so many people tried out and that was just in norway."

"sshhh don't speak so negatively. im sure that we got those roles. i mean the americans love skam, the casting agents would love for a recognizable face to be on television over there, " laila rambled in matter of factly. "besides we are great actresses without all of that."

"yeah yeah i know that, i just didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing," jasmine said to laila.

the two walked off of the set, going into an über that jasmine had scheduled every day for after filming. "good afternoon," she said to the driver, as laila got in on her right, putting her bag on the floor infront of her seat.

as soon as the vehicle began driving away, laila's phone began to ring, and jasmine payed no attention until hers rung too. she looked at the contact, her manager ellie. jasmine looked up at laila, exchanging a look with her, knowing that laila was getting the same call from her own manager.

jasmine quickly slid the green button, putting the phone against her face. before she could even say hello, her manager beat her to be the first one to speak. "jasmine, you won't believe this," she shrilled excitedly.

"w-what is it?" jasmine asked, hearing laila talk to her manager right next to her.

"you got the part! you're going to be in the just your normal!" ellie exclaimed even louder this time, jasmine envisioning the wide smile going across her red painted lips.

"what? holy shít are you serious! that's crazy, t-thank you so much!" jasmine stuttered, in complete disbelief. she didn't shout or scream, still taken completely aback by the simple fact that she landed the part

once her phone called ended, she turned back to laila, who's mouth was agape and cheeks red. "i got the part!" they both managed to say at the exact same time. both of them were silent before letting out small shrils, probably weirding out their uber driver in the process.

"i can't believe im going to be in just you normal," jasmine said, still absorbing the news.

"see, now what did I tell you jasmine?" laila asked, with one eyebrow up. "i knew you could do it."

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