Shadowhunter Codex - Chapter 54 - Angelus Bellator

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Legend tells us of a warrior, born a Shadowhunter but became the emissary of the Angels.

Her identity is unknown to us and sightings are few and far between. However, it is known that a few Shadowhunter families have close connections to her.

It is paramount that the Clave discover the Angelus Bellator's identity in order to determine if she is a future threat. If you ever meet her, report to the Clave immediately.

Well here we are! Just an extract from the Codex about Grace Carstairs to start off with then into the stories!

As mentioned in the description, this story may be quite hard to understand if you haven't read my other fanfic 'Cursed'. However I guess you can read this if you want so for background information: Grace is Jem's twin sister.

So, there is no real order to this book so the stories may jump around the different time frames a bit.

Thank you to EllieRose011 for making the cover above!!! And also thanks to my returning readers from 'Cursed' and 'Finding Will Herondale'! Your loyalty and support honestly astounds me everyday so thank you!

Okay then, thank you so much for clicking the read button! I hope you enjoy this!

Love y'all!


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