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A/N: So, this story is about Jamie Herondale. I believe the story of how he got his powers is in Tales from Shadowhunter Academy...correct me if I'm wrong.

Picture above is of Matthew Fairchild and Jamie Herondale :)


-*-*-*-*- Grace -*-*-*-*-

Grace sat just on the edge of Jamie's bed, brushing the hair from his forehead gently. It was twelve hours ago when she saw her necklace light up black and green, the sign that the wearer was scared and in pain. She knew that Will had given his son the crystal years beforehand and so she had raced to Shadowhunter Academy as quickly as the Angel let her.

She automatically teleported into Jamie's room where Ragnor Fell, one of Magnus' friend had placed the sleeping boy. It was obvious he knew who she was, but he didn't mention their connection. He only left as soon as she arrived, trusting her to look after the Herondale boy.

Jamie's room was dark and dusty, the heavy curtains drawn to keep the weak morning light out. The furniture was dull, made of dark wood that had quite obviously seen better days. The fire was dying in the grate and so it was freezing. Grace hated every inch of it.  

It reminded her of a prison, as if Jamie had to be hidden from the world because of the evil they thought he held. She knew a lot about that. It wasn't so long ago that Shadowhunters almost decided to lock her up for a curse that wasn't her fault. If anyone could empathise with Jamie, it was her.

The room suddenly got colder as another presence entered. Grace didn't move for a second and it was only when the figure approached the bed did she raise her gaze.

Her brother looked exactly the same since she last saw him. His hood was down, revealing his silver streaked hair and sewn shut eyes. But it was a sign of trust that he would show her face to her, despite the grudge she had been holding for over a decade.

"Grace," Jem said. "I did not expect you to be here." She snorted, shaking her head. It was typical of Jem to act like they had only seen each other yesterday. After he had pushed her away, he had been trying to earn her trust back. But she wasn't going to let that happen. He had to learn that what he did was not least not yet.

"The crystal lit up with fear and pain," she replied curtly. "I came for him. You should have known I would."

"Yes, I should have," Jem said, his voice quiet in her mind. He moved to the other side of the bed and laid a hand on Jamie's forehead. "He seems physically fine. I think it may have been the energy expenditure and the shock of gaining his powers."

"Tessa and Will knew that he wasn't going to be born a full Shadowhunter," Grace muttered. "I had hoped that maybe he wouldn't see any after affects of demon blood...but it seems he has." Jem didn't answer, only walked to the window where he gazed outside. As he moved, the dust swirled around his robes like a whirlwind but he made no sound. His footsteps did not echo on the stones like hers did.

"He should leave here," he finally said. "Shadowhunters are not kind to people like him, and children are only worse. I do not know if this place is safe for him anymore."  Grace tried not to bristle a bit. Yes, of course she wanted Jamie to be safe and happy more than anything, but she also didn't want him to be a quitter. If he gave up here, then what would stop him from giving up in other parts of his life?

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