Chapter 12

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Last time on A Midsummer's N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶m̶a̶r̶e̶ Dream:

I walked out of the cabin to meet up for breakfast. When I got there, everyone was already, and the only open spot was in the corner, next to Roman. I sighed and sat down. Everyone smiled and greeted me in some way. It was, nice, almost like a family...

Jackie appeared out of nowhere, "Virgil, after breakfast please go to Thomas' office," she whispered to me so no one else could hear, then she left.

~Virgil's PoV~

I finished breakfast and started walking away.

"Where are you going V?" Roman asked, huh, V's a new nickname.

I simply shrugged, "Doesn't matter Ro, I'll meet up with you guys later," I said absentmindedly, my brain was busy making theories as to why Thomas needed me. 

As I walked in, I noticed that the blinds were open, letting in plenty of sunlight and making Thomas' office much brighter and happier. there was a bunch of posters, uplifting different sexualities and gender identities. Thomas noticed me looking at one of them and smiled.

"Ah Virgil, good that you're here," he started. I nodded.

"Right, why did you call me here?" I asked, somehow anxious.

"You haven't read your father's Will yet," he said softly. My eyes widened, I hadn't.

Thomas passed me an envelope and nodded at me. I opened it with shaking hands and read it.

Dear Virgil, 

My Will is to you and only you, you are my only family, my only son. Please don't follow in my footsteps, be happy, please. 

Listen, I am leaving you everything, go back to the house and take anything and everything you want. Find yourself a boyfriend or someone for you, if you don't want to, that's fine too. Just know that your mother and I are watching over you.

You may think that you have to go into the system. But, I would like to ask Thomas to take you in. He's been my best friend since elementary, I don't know why I didn't sign you up for that camp sooner...

I also am leaving you all of my money, everything, as I already said, please use it wisely.

When you go back to the house, look in my drawer, there's a scratch book with a bunch of pictures of you and some of your grandparents, do you remember them? Probably not...

But this concludes my Will, I love you Virgil, and even though you may think I don't, because I left you, I do, with all of my heart.


Lek Ansia

I was sobbing by the time I finished. He... he really thought... I just...

Thomas looked at me and hugged me, very fatherly-like. "It'll be okay, Virgil..."

"He-He's so supportive, a-and..." I couldn't come out and say it... "He... he wants you to adopt me," I whispered. He looked at me in shock.

"O-Of course! I-If you're okay with it," he said. 

"Beats the system..." I trailed off. Thomas nodded.

"Should I call Roman?" he asked, I blushed.

"Why  would you need to call him?" I asked, cheeks pink. Did he know? No way... He smirked knowingly, making me blush harder.

"Well, just wanna make sure that you're in good hands after... this," he said awkwardly. I shrugged. He nodded, "I'm calling Roman," he said, I was about to protest when Jackie ran out. I groaned and face-palmed.

"I'm not a baby who needs to be wa-"

I was interrupted by someone bursting in through the door.

"Virgil! Are you okay?!" a voice yelled. I screamed and lept away from it. Roman started laughing, of course it was him. I blushed and tried to pretend I was mad.

"R-Roman!" I tried to yell, but it came out as a whine. Roman chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, my upper torso more specifically. He never went any lower, which I was really grateful for, but still. 

He was pretty relaxed, but his chest was blocking my view of, well, anything really. He suddenly tensed. "Why don't we go back to the cabin Virgil?" he asked, there was a hint of anxiety in his voice. Which was strange, he's hardly ever anxious, that's my job. 

Before I could nod, Roman had scooped me up in his arms and started walking out. My face heated up profoundly.

"R-Roman?" I stammered, slightly startled.

"Oh! Sorry, are you okay like this?" he asked, obviously worried and slightly nervous.

"Y-Yea, I was just surprised, is all," I murmured. Roman nodded and shifted his arms so it was more comfortable and continued walking to the cabin. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest. I was tired. 

Tired of my dad. Tired of death. Tired of being alone. Though I guess Roman's here...

But for how much longer?

~Roman's PoV~

I looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms. We were back at the cabin, I was on the couch and just staring at his face. His adorable, beautiful, dainty little face. I was having a hard time restraining myself from just flat out kissing him.

Though I guess a kiss of the cheek couldn't hurt?

No Roman, he needs to give you consent! You'd be a villain in his eyes if you kissed him while he's sleeping!

I sighed and started playing with his hair. It was a dark shade of purple, and super soft and fluffy. I ran my fingers through it. Then I heard a sound. I froze and looked around. Nothing. I shrugged it off, probably just my imagination!

As I started petting Virgil's hair again, I heard it again. It sounded like... purring? Like a cat? I looked down at Virgil. I started running my fingers through his head, I heard the purring sound, I stopped my hand, the purring stopped.


I smiled softly, Virgil, you and your adorable ass purring are going to be the death of me

~Author's PoV~

Okay so here's the thing,

I'm not as swamped with homework as I thought I was gonna be, so my updating schedule is now Tuesdays and Fridays. 

That's right! 

Ya girl thinks she can release chapters twice a week!!

If I miss a day, I will explain my reasoning in the next chapter,

(Also, it's Tuesdays, not Wednesdays, it's to give me more even spaces between chapter releases to write and edit and shit)

Also, Virgil's father's name (Lęk) means anxiety, fear, dread, etc. in Polish, which is why that's his name :)

Ily!!! 💜


A Midsummer's N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶m̶a̶r̶e̶  Dream ~ Book 1 Prinxiety Summer Au (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now