Red Riding hood and Wolf

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Red riding hood was a young beautiful girl with long blonde hair. One day she chose to take an adventure in the woods by her parents house. She was told not to talk to strangers but the young girl often got into mischief. She ventured through the woods carrying a basket full of steaming warm baked goods for her grandmother she called grandma Marie. Red's grandma was also beautiful and kind hearted and gentle when it came to her grand child Red riding hood. Red was frolicking through the woods singing a tune she learned from her grandmother. She had the most beautiful voice therefor she loved to practice her singing while taking long walks through the woods. Red was skipping down the pebble stone path as a push began rustling on the side of the path. She stop frozen still like a statue. W-who's there she asked in a soft quiet voice. A light brown bunny leaped out from the bushes with a white tipped tail. Oh thank goodness Red said holding one hand to her heart. Pouncing after it was a boy wearing worn down clothes with long thick pointed ears above his head. Huh he looked up away from the bunny now at Red. You startled me Red said looking into the wolf boys large brown eye's. Grinning the wolf boy stood up from pouncing position. Well hello there Red Riding hood what are you doing walking on my path in my woods. This isn't your woods my family owns this part. How do you know my name exactly she added? I've heard a lot about you seeing you in person is even better he said circling me.

W-What are you doing I said slightly blushing as he circled me. Well i'm checking out how i'm going to stuff you in my mouth he said you already look delicious enough to eat. Gasping i'm not food Red said putting her hand over her mouth. Red leaned down setting her basket on the ground here try one of these she said pulling the red and white checkered sheet off of the basket. She handed him a roll of bread. It smells good his eyes now widened smelling the fresh baked bread. He held his hand out looking to the side waiting for me to break him off a piece. Here you go she said handing him half of the bread. He sat down on the side of the pebbled path in the soft green grass. I sat besides him. Well go on try it see what you think she said. He slowly put the slice of bread in his mouth savoring the taste. I-It's amazing he said turning his head looking at me. Say do you have a name Red asked? Just call me wolf most of my friends call me that. Wolf that suits you I giggled. Well I should get going i'm going to my grandmothers house she's sick and i'm bringing her these goodies to make her feel better. It was nice meeting you wolf. Nice meeting you two Red Riding hood. I was off to my grandmother's house once again following the path I was told to stay on. Finally reaching my grandmother's house.

Knocking on the door saying grandma it's your favorite grand child it's me Red. Grandma? Walking inside I smelt soup cooking on the stove. I called out my grandma's name Marie? She wasn't home that's odd she's always home. I walked out the front door onto the porch of my grandmothers house. Wolf was standing there. So how did the whole visit with grandma go. Looking at him cleaning his teeth with a tooth pick I glared at him. Have you seen my grandma wolf. No haven't seen her at all. Anyways how did you get here I asked. I followed you. Oh really. Yeah your easy to follow your very slow and loud. Excuse me what did you just say I said holding my fist up in the air. Well I should get going she said. Wait he said standing in front of me. Hey what's your problem. Follow me he said tugging on my red cloak. Wait what are you doing. I like you red I want to know what your feelings are for me. G-G what!? We are only ten years of age she said blushing slightly. He grabbed my hands leaning closer. Kissing me. I backed up after the kiss he laid on my lips. Meet me here tomorrow wolf said. I nodded slowly. You have to promise me something Red. Yeah I said. You'll wait for me and when we get older you'll marry me. Laughing isn't it to soon for that. When we are older.

Red never came back to the woods after that kiss. Years went by red was now sixteen years old smart, beautiful and cunning. She was to be married at age twenty to a young bachelor named Derek. Red is something wrong Goldie locks asked? It's nothing I was just wondering what it would be like to have kids. You a mother that'll be the day. They both laughed. Walking through the village they passed small cottages. Well, I should be getting to my grandmother's house once again. Hows she doing and what are you bringing her this time. She's doing pretty good and i'm bringing her oatmeal for breakfast. I have to get going Red I'll see you later though. See you Goldi locks. Almost passing a shop I stopped buying a ripe red apple i'm sure granny would like this she said smiling. Paying the man upfront with gold he tried to trick Red. That will be one hundred gold pieces. One hundred gold pieces but this is just an apple! The finest at that he said shining the apple with his shirt. Well, I'm sorry even though it's for my granny I'm not paying one hundred gold coins for one simple apple she said crossing her arms. Derek showed up behind me. I won't stand for this trickery he said. Let the lady pay the real price for that apple! Alright, alright. That will be 20 gold coins he said.

Thank you Derek. Anything for you my love. Leaning closer we kissed. Derek was such a dreamboat he would do anything for me. So where are you headed to Red he said walking along sides me. I'm going to my grandmother's house to visit. That sounds like a plan he said nudging me lightly. Yeah, I haven't visited her in a while I said moving a strand of hair out from in front of my eye's. Derek reached for my hand holding it. It's a wonderful day out to take a trip to your grandma's. I know it's beautiful the sun is out and no distractions. Well except for you, of course, I said laughing. I love your laugh it's cute. Thank you, Derek. Your welcome I'll catch you later he said turning around.

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