Untitled Part 2

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I waved goodbye to Derek. Following the pebbled path once again I thought of when I was a kid the first time I walked this path. Skipping I swung my basket back and forth. My cloak now dragged on the ground as I skipped. Slowly walking I looked around first up at the sky then at the tall tree's above me. Looking up I seen a boy standing in front of me. Wolf. Red Riding hood. Oh now you finally show up six years later. I'm sorry I guess I must have forgot about that day. You look handsome though I said. Thanks and you look beautiful like it was the first day we met. Yeah but a lot has happened sense then did I mention i'm actually engaged. No you didn't mention that. I thought we would be a couple wolf said looking down at the ground. That kiss was forever ago i'm happy with my boyfriend Derek wolf i'm sorry. I understand he said. I'm glad you understand hopefully you weren't waiting for me all this time. Hey wolf I brought bread again. Breaking a loaf in half I gave him half while eating the other half. Thank you. It was my pleasure I said smiling. So Red would you like to do something? I was going to my grandma's but I guess she can wait we haven't been together in a long time.

What would you like to do I asked. How about we go to see a film? Isn't that what girlfriend and boyfriend do Red said looking into wolf's big brown eye's. Friends do that also come on. Alright lets get going I have to visit my grandma after. Me and wolf walked to the royal movie theater. At the front counter wolf paid for our seats, snacks and drinks. I realized the movie we were watching was a romantic movie so I nudged wolf. Whats with the romantic movie I asked? I'm not the one who picked it. Well I didn't know what it was about sorry. Wolf held his hand out through the entire movie. I rolled my eye's sighing. Grabbing his hand I looked down at the floor blushing. You alright Red. Y-Yeah. The kissing scene came on I looked over at Wolf he looked back at me. It was so awkward I felt like I wanted to kiss wolf but I know I still had feelings for Derek I didn't know what to do. So I stood up out of my seat running out of the movies. Wolf caught up to me. Hey are you alright he said putting his hand on my shoulder. Wolf I have feelings for you but I also have feelings for Derek. Woah he said looking into my eyes. Don't just stare at me. I panicked leaning closer towards Red I almost kissed her when someone pushed me to the floor.

Derek, Red said surprised. So I find you at the movie theaters almost kissing another guy. Whats going on Red, Derek asked in a hurt voice. How did you even find me I asked? Anyways It's not what you think he's just a friend. So this is Derek wolf said standing up brushing the dirt from his clothes. Yeah i'm Derek who are you!? I'm her best friend. Sense when are you friending strangers. We aren't strangers I met him when I was ten years old so we have been friends for awhile now. Exactly wolf said putting his arm around me. Don't touch her Derek said pushing my arm off of Red. Don't start this Red said. Hey you don't own her wolf said! Pushing Derek back. Knock it off both of you Red shouted! Derek please go me and wolf were hanging out alone together. Alone I see how it is. I wont let him take you Derek said pulling out a knife. Woah that escalated quickly Red said. Swiping at wolf he cut his arm open. Wolf! Holding his arm blood soaked through his shirt. Don't hurt him Derek! I ran over to wolf. Are you alright I asked. Yeah just a flesh wound. That's taking it to far Derek leave now or else! Wolf growled glaring at Derek! Derek ran scared! Face to Face with wolf I kissed him. Are you alright wolf? Y-Yeah what was that kiss for. I'm in love with you wolf and I should have came back it's been all these years I just now realize what that first kiss was ment to be. Wolf was breathing heavily.

Wolf are you alright maybe you should come back to my house Red said. Yeah that sounds like a good idea he said holding his arm. I held his hand while we walked through the woods from the movie theater's. Finally reaching my house we walked the path to get to the front door. How are you holding up wolf I asked? Alright my arm just hurts really bad. It looks infected lets get you inside to clean your wounds. Sounds like a plan he said. Knocking on my front door it seemed like no one was home. So I opened the door. Me and wolf walked up the stairs into my room. Nice room he said looking around then sitting on my bed. Thanks. Here let me get my meda kit from the bathroom I said walking over to the bathroom in my bedroom. Wolf here give me your arm I said holding my hand out. Wolf lifted up his arm. Cleaning his wounds me and Wolf were face to face. I looked up into his big brown eyes. Wolf I said. Stay still I want to try something Wolf said leaning closer towards me. Wolf wrapped his arm around my waist. Kissing me he leaned me back onto the bed. Kissing him back.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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