The Goddess's Three Faces

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Osset, Chiadan

The day the third daughter was born was not the cheeriest of days. The Faerie of Ubrary were dissatisfied by the demi-witch child of the Queen Zaina Acheron and the human hunter Ansel Jonz. Her sisters were Nyneve Ezlyn and Evanora Atarah. The young girl was named Isolt Jonz, but would change it to Acheron for the crown. Nyneve took a liking to the baby, while Evanora stayed distant- engulfed in her grimoires.

Isolt was never close to either of her sisters, since they were half sisters. Evanora was the Heiress of Ostines, born of royal blood by the Sun Court of Ucrana and Pucrua's Moon Court's High Lady to create the first Queen of Ostines. The two courts would serve under Evanora to stop a war between the two courts and have with a monarch decide which side is right and go with the planning of that Court. Gabriel Grayson of the Moon Court became the King and Zaina Acheron was the Queen. Nyneve was born of the Faerie King Nasir Rompier after his wife Ryo Ilimenor-Rompier was mysteriously murdered after their twins Renji and Nadia were born. Zaina was never satisfied by Gabriel, but that fool loved his wife and banished the Faerie back to Ubrary. Nyneve was the backfired plan to stop fighting between Witches and Faerie, so Gabriel got his punishment- Isolt Acheron-Jonz. Isolt had to live in Chiadan- the Humanlands- with Ansel for the first seven years of her life. She only saw Zaina on the nights after the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice Balls, and she was used to not possessing magic. She had met Evanora and Nyneve only once during that time, when Evanora was eight, Nyneve was six, and when Isolt was five. Nyneve had gushed over her and treated her as if they were never separated while Evanora made pleasant conversation with Ansel. At age seven, she had been eating lunch when Gabriel knocked. She had peered out from the stairs to see who was answering, and her father and Gabriel's conversation was short.

"You are Ansel Jonz?"

"Yes, your Highness."

"Good." Gabriel had said, and to this day Isolt still feels chills down her spine when he said that word or spoke in that tone. He ran Ansel threw the chest, and Isolt has shrieked and fought and cried as Gabriel found her and took her to Ostines. Nyneve as thrilled and comforted Isolt when she arrived whilst Evanora and Zaina had both argued with Gabriel about his actions.

However, three years into what she had called captivity before, she learned to love her new father. She never liked him, but she did love him. She loved him as Evanora loved him, but she knew that Nyneve-being demi-fae- did not love him and for that she couldn't blame her. While Isolt looked more like her mother and could blend in with the family, Nyneve could not. Faerie ears were usually very long and pointed, but her's were the size of human and witch ears- still pointed. She had the perfect face shape, pinky heart lips, and lovely cheek bones of her mother, but her eyes, nose, and hair belonged to Nasir. Her hair was a reddish-light brown and naturally straight and tangled, and her beautiful lavender eyes were created from her mother's gray and her father's violet. As she grew, her body seemed to retain the same perfection all Faeries had with minimal effort. She was curved in all the right places but hated the stares. She was the prettiest sister in Isolt's opinion.

Evanora was a different story. She wasn't ugly, but Nyneve's loveliness overshadowed Evanora's and Gabriel couldn't stand it. He forced servants to make Evanora looked like she waltzed out of a storybook twenty-four seven. It took hours to make Evanora look on par with Nyneve, but everyone still liked how natural she was compared to Snow White next to her. It made Evanora self conscious and reserved, and made Isolt think she was shallow and petty. Evanora was vain and stubborn like Isolt, but not petty. Her long hair was always curled in pretty raven ringlets, her makeup done extremely well, gowns made and picked by tailors. Her blue eyes weren't even her's, everytime she looked in the mirror she saw her father in those eyes. Isolt had no clue how Evanora still loved him.

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