Chapter 16 (Aaliyah's POV)

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Even if I would've taken Damien up on his offer of running the branch in Italy and trust me I wanted to just show him what I was capable of, but I would hate myself if I did.

I sat at the bar with a glass of wine as I watched the twins eat. I was irritated, aggravated, and yet all I wanted to do was scream. Times like this I wish I had friends.


I grabbed my cellphone and dialed Mo's number. All I could do was hope her number was still the same. I mean I hadn't talked to her in about two years.



"This is she."

"Hey, it's Aaliyah."

"You're fucking with me right?"

"Nope. It's me."

"You got a lot of nerve callin after two and a half years." She scoffed.

"Trust me, these past two years haven't been easy... Anyways, how've you been?"

"I've been okay. Things have been a little rough without my bestfriend. You know."

"I can agree with that. How's Shad? The Kids?"

"They're good. How's Niko and the twins?"

"The twins are good. And I don't know how Niko is. I don't keep in contact with him."

"What do you mean you don't keep in contact with him?"

"Niko and I got divorced, Mo."

"What?! When?! Why?!"

"A year and a half ago. He'd been having an affair with Tasha." I shrugged as if she could see me.

"Damn. I never did like that bitch. How are you, you know coping?"

"I'm okay. Long story short, I met someone about 7 months ago and I'm happy." That was true. I mean even though Damien and I weren't exactly in agreement right now, I was happy with him.

"Well, I 'm glad. I miss you, L"

"I miss you too, Mo. Maybe I can fly out to see you soon. Spend a few days in TN with you, Shad, and the kids. Our Kids haven't seen each other in years."

"I'd like that. I'm sure Shad would like that too."

"You guys still with the Cartel?"

"Rashad is but I got out about a year or so ago. After that guy came looking for you, I decided to quit before I gained anymore enemies."

"What guy?"

"Some guy named Javier. He said you stole something valuable from him."

"Javier... Canes Son?"

"Now that you mention it he did kinda look like Cane. He was tall, light skinned, kind of buff, well spoken, well dressed. When I did my homework on him, it said he had a few ties with the Russians."

"Russian ties?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, why?"

"Ummm, I gotta go. I'll call you back later." I hung up the phone not waiting for a response.

"Hey, Kids, who wants to go to Charles and Katherines?"

"We Do!!" they yelled.

"Go get your shoes and lets go."


After I dropped the kids off I went back to the house to change clothes.

I put on all black; black leggings, black shirt, black leather jacket, and black boots. I put my hair into a bun on the top of my head and put my holster around my waist. I put my blade in my boot and grabbed the keys to my corvette. I locked up the house and made my way to Damien's office.

I marched through the halls and each step had purpose. Trust me no one wanted to mess with me. People steered clear of me as soon as they saw me. They knew because it was written all over my face and my body language. Someone was in big trouble and that someone would probably end up dead.

I walked up to Damien's floor and spotted Javier instantly. My pace quickened and my hand went to the gun on my waist snatching it out of the holster. As soon as I was close enough I pushed him against the wall and placed the gun to his temple.

"What the fuck, Miss.Daniels?" He yelled.

"Shut up."

His breathing was labored and a smile slowly crept up on his face.

"You remember me, don't you?"

"I remember you alright. Why'd you visit Mo'Nique?"

"That was forever ago. You're just now finding out about that? LATE!" he cackled.

"Listen closely. I will put a bullet in your brain and not feel an ounce of fucking remorse. Do NOT test me. Do NOT play games with me. You're gambling with your life, my dear. And we both know I'm not afraid to pull this trigger."

"Oh I know. I know all about you. I hated you when you joined fathers Cartel. He choose you over me as soon as you walked through the doors of his trap house. That's why I hate you."

"I can't help that your father left his business to me. Obviously, he saw something in me that he didn't see in you. But let me make one thing very fuck-

AALIYAH!" Damien's angry booming voice cut me off.

I backed off Javier slightly but not enough for him to really get any breathing room.

"What?" I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes.

" What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you pointing trying to kill an ally?" His jaw ticked.

" Who said I was going to kill him?" I shrugged.

"Leave him be."

"Listen to your master, PET!" Javier spat.

I squinted my eyes at him.

"You can't kill me. You wont. Because that will ruin Damien's alliance with Alek."

I laughed. "You think I give a damn about a fucking Alliance?"

"No, but you care about Damien."

"You know your memories must be a little warped because if you really remembered who I was then you would know that I protect my own regardless of the consequences."

"Aaliyah!" Damien yelled.

I aimed my gun at Javier's shoulder and pulled the trigger.

Damien lunged toward me and I turned aiming the gun at him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Let me remind you both." I grabbed my other gun with my opposite hand and pointed it back at Javier's skull.

"If anybody comes after me and my family, I will kill them. There are NO fucking exceptions. That includes "Alliances". See just because I love Damien does NOT mean I'll put his business above my life, his life, nor my childrens lives. I don't give a flying fuck about starting war with russia. It'll be one of the many I've won. Javier is a threat to us, Damien. And I eliminate threats. You can hate me, you can fire me as your assassin, you can cast me aside, but Javier wont be leaving this building alive and if Alek has a problem with that then tell him he can take it up with me." I pulled the trigger and Javier's body slumped against the wall. I turned to look at Damien and his eyes met mine.

He looked disappointed.

This is exactly why I didn't want to mix business and pleasure, it complicates things.

I put the safety back on both guns and placed them in my holster. I walked past Damien without a word.

I needed some air.

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