I love you

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A/N: Lucius gets a letter that will change a lot of things, but not everything. Lucissa oneshot. I don't own anything.

Silently he let his fingers slide over the rough paper. The envelope was empty, except for the mark of the Ministry and his own name. He averted his gaze and was about to put the letter away in one of his drawers, when he felt a hand on his’. “You must open it at some point, Lucius. Better do it now.” Her slim fingers curled around his hand and took the letter from him. “Shall I open it?” He shook his head and took the letter from Narcissa’s hand. He turned himself away from her. He didn’t want her to see the fear that would undoubtedly find its way to his eyes once he had read the content of the letter. There were days when he could shield himself from such emotions, or at least shield them from the rest of the world, but those days were gone, and his wife knew him better than anyone. He knew she saw it shadowing through every now and then, and he couldn’t bare the way she would look at him.

His hands shook when he opened they envelope, but he ignored it. He moved a little closer to let the light of the hearth shine on the curled letters on the paper and started reading. He read it, over and over, but the words didn’t change. He didn’t know how long he was just standing there, with the letter in his hand. “They cannot do this,” he muttered.

“You knew this was going to come, Lucius. They were never going to let you…”

“They can’t let you and Draco have a hearing.” He threw the letter in the fire. He turned to face her. Her eyes betrayed her thoughts.

“Draco is marked as a Death Eater, so of course they can let him have a hearing.”

“He’s a child.”

“Not anymore.” Her voice was bitter. She wasn’t blaming him, but he knew it was his fault. All of it.

“But they can’t let you have a trial. You haven’t done anything.”

“Lucius, you know that…”

“The only thing you’ve ever done wrong – the only thing they could possibly blame you for – is marrying me.” The silence that followed was louder than any of the words spoken, and he avoided her eyes. He tried to maintain his composure, but knew he was failing miserably the moment he heard her footsteps getting closer and felt her warm, soft hand on his cheek. “Look at me, Lucius,” she whispered, but he didn’t look at her. She started caressing his hair with her other hand, and in the end he gave in. “I have regretted a lot of things in the past few months, but I believe me when I say that I have never regretted marrying you, and I never will.”

“You have every right to,” his voice crackled. “I’m going to prison, Cissy. And perhaps you and Draco are going to prison because of me. I…” He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, for Narcissa pressed her lips on his’, slowly running her fingertips down his neck. He felt tears stinging the back of his eyes, and he couldn’t help one slipping. “I love you,” she whispered when she broke their kiss and put her arms around him. “That’s all that matters.” He put his head on her shoulder and smelled her sweet perfume, wishing he would never have to let go. “I love you too.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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