Leaving everything...

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I was in the car with my mom, my head against the window, staring out at the cars we were passing. My dog, my bestfriends, my school, it all... everything. It's all gone now! I'm leaving the country life, now I have to live in a stupid city, with slow traffic, big bright lights, tall scary buildings! I'm not ready for this.
"Hey Ace. Don't think too hard on it. New life, fun right?! New friends!" My mom says. "I have social anxiety, mom! How will I survive?" I reply. "Lighten up Acey!" My mom cheerfully says, while turning up the radio, playing to my fav jam.
The rest of the car ride is me and mom swinging and heads and arms around while singing in the car. My mom is my bestie, she knows what makes me happy!
We get to the apartment that's 16 stories! We have the 10th story which freaks me out... I'll get used to it. We walk inside the apartment and OMG THIS IS SO NICE! I all into my room, I HAVE A BALCONY!! This might not be so bad...
I get my room set up. I have a love seat on my balcony, my Christmas lights over my bed, pictures of my dog near my bed. Perfect.
Mom walks into my room "ready for school tomorrow?"
I'm not ready! Never will be. This is the City! How will I live?
"Get some rest kiddo." Mama points to my bed.
I lay down, and think about tomorrow... and before I know it... I am... a...sl...ee...
(I am so so sorry this chapter is so short, it'll be longer chapters after, I just wanted to start this story before I forgot, so the next chapters will be better, and longer. Thanks so much for reading! Can't wait to see you again! <3)

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