true home

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Mika aka mikaila is on her way to school as she gets stoped by her formor freind now bully shoved her againts the wall and is now pinned at said wall while getting glares from the gruop in front of her as she bites her lips.

"What do you want?" As she said with a glare on her face. Now dont get me wrong she may be getting bullied but her personallity is very fiesty and like a moth drawn to a flame the bullies target her for being alone.

"Tch!  you have some got talking to me like thar you little punk".

(Timeskip to 2cd period and if your wondering how mika aka you are doing at school well your a prodigy)

Mika pov

Class is still boring if only theyed skip my grades to appropriate level that would be more effecient.ill just ask the teacher for a leave or something with an excuse. He actually bought it oh well.

Timeskip-your appartment

Alone again , laying on my bed eyes feeling heavier than usual i decided to just sleep .

The sound of a strim and rusling leaves , you woke but you know this is a dream , cause everytime you dream , ther wuold be a magnificent dragon named : sephora

The sound of a strim and rusling leaves , you woke but you know this is a dream , cause everytime you dream , ther wuold be a magnificent dragon named : sephora

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A water ice dragon , she tuoght you magic , well more specifically her magic but only int take over forms , same goes for your other familiars.( will be shown in the future ) .

" today my child i shall take you to your true worl ." What did she mean by that?......well lets not think to much on it.

Timeskip after magic training

I woke up i was not in my appartment and how do know that , well because i pinch myself a second ago, im in the same farest i was when training with that her?!

" hello my child and welcome to earthland "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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