Chapter 22

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I am so mad right now. Jason totally killed the mood! I mean, seriously.

Jude made a pissed of sound and took his hands out of his pockets, and he rubbed his face, as a sign of frustration. I made a face, to Jason.

"Took you long enough." Jude muttered. I dont know why, but the way he said it. Hurt. A lot. I look down at my shoes and give a small sigh. Then i fell hands on my shoulders. I look up and see Jude... Smiling? Wait, I thought he was pissed of a second ago!

"Hey." He said rather smoothly.

"Hey." I whisper. We were just looking at each toher for a long time, when stupid Jason blurted out.

"Well, THIS, is BORING!" I look at him angrily. Whats this guys problem!? Jude didnt even tell me this jerk was coming!

"Jason.... why dont you go get food.....for yourself?" Jude said slowly.

"Im not hungry." Jude sighed out loud.

"I think you were complaining before that you were hungry." Jude made a face that was like "goooo"

"Hehe! I know what your're talking about Judey! Im just messing with you!" Jason went away, far away. Thank the lord, then i realized something. Judey?

"Uh, did he just call you..." Jude mutters something about killing Jason one of these days, and beating him up. Then he sits, right under the oak tree. I hesitate, but sit next to him. I closed my eyes,I know why Jude was closing his eyes before. Its so calm over here, with the wind blowing in your hair, and the sound of the leaves dancing. It was awesome. The wind blew a little stronger, I opened my eyes and faced Jude. He was looking at me all this time. I feel the blood slowly rise to my cheeks and look at the grass.


"Your're cute..." Jude says softly. I dont reply, cause I cant. I really dont know what to say. Jude flitches and balls up his fists, but then it is then, suddenly, changed back to the smile he had on before.....

"You look scared..." Jude said leaning closer, close enough for his raven black hair to brush against my shoulder.

"Are you scared of me?" He whispers in my ear and smirks. I freeze. Then Jude bursts out laughing, so hard that he falls back but he is still laughing.

"Jude, thats not funny. You sounded like a serial murderer." I said.

"Did you *laugh* see your *laugh* FACE?" He stops and looks at me, almost sad. 

"You should be, really." 


"*sigh* my whole life people have been scared of me. It's okay." He smiles sadly.

"I have been...different, *sigh* you see, for as long as i can remember." He shrugs in his place.

"Weather at school, high school, now. I hate the pitty I see everyone giving me, when there is nothing wrong with me. I mean, Iora, she's my friend, but ever since a couple of days, she's been showing a lot of pity towards me like,..... like theres something wrong with me!" I stare into his cold blue eyes, there is something wrong with him. I cant figure it out yet. But something for sure. 

"People try to understand, when they very well know they cant." he started to play with a single blade of grass.

"I understand." I croke out. He looks at me and tilts his head to the side. confused.

"Jude, the reason I dont live with my parents, is because I dont have any parents." His face looked up at me and frowned.


"No, you dont get it. There not dead, it's just that they dont want me."

"I  dont understand." I laugh and reply.

"My mom, is, well a b*tch. Before she had me, well she was with this man. They were married, and happy, as well." Was I really ready to tell this to Jude? What if he would get angry. No. There was no point in hiding this from him. I gulped.

"She- my grandmother told me. That one night, my mom had gone out for a party with her friends. None of their husbands came, i guess they trusted them. That time, my mum had gotten married at a really young age, probably, uh... 17, cause she had money problems."

"She got drunk. And met this guy. Same age. They did something terrible. Something she wasnt suppose to do. She was a married woman, but still couldnt control her self." Jude looked shocked, he understood what I meant."

"You know what happened after that? I happened. I was born because of a total accident. Offcourse my mother wouldnt want to kill the baby, it was her first. But no one wanted me. My so called 'father' disappeared, and my mother's husband desided to leave because of my mom. No one wanted me. She treated me like, this was all my fault."

"I grew up and my grandmother's place. My mom couldnt treat me well, so grandma took me. I thank her too."

"I get so angry. The world is such a terrible place. I mean, people say the world is so fucking sweet and whatever, when this sort of shit goes on."

"I changed at the age of 15. I saw the world in a different angle. Eveything had changed. Being like this-" I pointed to my clothes. "-Made me happy. I dont care if people hate punks, i didnt give a f*ck about anything until-" Jude frowned.

"That day, at coner's party....."

"I had only seen him once, when I was 14. There's no way I couldnt recognize him although he couldn't remember me....." My heart beat got faster.

"I saw you, fighting with....."

"My dad, Brad Roberts."


Ha ha! SURPRISE! Jude's mother's murderer, is Hazels's dad!!!! Brad was really young when hazel was born, so it makes a lot of sense. Now... will Jude hate Hazel for being the daughter of a murderer, or love her, cause it's not her fault?


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