Baltic Sea

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Baltic Sea. For me it is more than a word or a place. It's home. Not the place where I live, just home. I loved the feeling of the water around me and the smell of salt. Just like now. I took a deep breath and dived, a little bit away from the crowd in the water, of course there were my friends but for a little while I just wanted to enjoy the feeling of the water around me and the silence underwater. As I showed up a ball crashed against my head. Some was laughing and an other person screamed "GOAL".
"Hey I never said I'm in, but fine I'm in!" I screamed back. at least I knew exactly who threw the ball. We played the usual Girls vs. Boys game, so I threw the ball to Flori, who cached the ball. She looked around herself in panic to find another girl. I tried to swim in her direction but someone grabbed my arms and held me back. „Never hold back a Girl from behind. Believe me." I said and pushed my Elbow back into his stomach. „Ouh Fuck" the person behind me groaned and now I knew that it was Lorenz. " I told you." I said grinning and swam in the direction of the ball, which was owned by the guys right now. I really gave my best to get the ball but it was impossible for me because I was to small. 'Okay I'm trying The underwater attack then' I told my myself and dived till I reached Tobi, who had the ball right now. I grabbed his feet and he panicked and swam away. 'Well, point for me'. Confident of Victory I showed up again and grinned at Tobi.
"Oh not you again." he hissed and glared in my direction. I laughed and tried to grab the ball, but he threw him successfully over my head. And yes, to be honest, I'm well known for my feet grabbing underwater attack. Even if I was a good catcher and also good in throwing the balls, I couldn't get a ball so I decided to cover a person. Quite undercover I showed up next to Lorenz. "Lorenz? We're almost like siblings aren't we?"
„Can I have the ball when you cached him?"
„Toni?" he asked me.
„You know that you're stupid. Don't you?" he said like I did before.
„Could have worked-„ I got cut off by the ball which landed in front of me an Lorenz. We looked at us, at the ball, and back at us. As if there were a sing we started to beat each other up just to get the ball. Short Info, everything was allowed except from biting, scratching was Okay.  From the far it must have looked like a bunch which knotted itself  the whole time, but I just wanted that damn ball to save the honor of my girl Team.
I felt something hard against my temple, realized how my vision blurred, and that I sank to the ground slowly. Then everything turned black.

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