✧ Chapter 16 ✧

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   With the explosion on the side of the ship and the splintering wood flying, the Carpenter commanded Drake and his companions to get down below deck to begin loading and firing the cannons. "I can't make this ship go any faster! We need to fight back or we'll sink like a stone!"

   Armen shouted and screamed as another cannonball hit the side of the vessel, "But the stairs to go down are destroyed! We won't be able to get back up!"

   "Then I hope you all can swim!"

   Drake began growling at the thought of touching the water. By God he hated it, he wished he could teleport himself and the others to land. He tried testing his magical abilities again, but nothing happened, he felt no shift around him.

   More cannons began firing from the land, striking the ship flawlessly. The ship had now caught fire and it was spreading like a disease. Drake and the others climbed to the quarter-deck, flames licking at their heels. Smoke was billowing out from under the floorboards and obscuring sight, fires leaping higher and higher into the air from the masts. The sails began singeing, then completely burning away. The ship slowed even further, but the currents shoved the vessel along as much as they could. The floorboards began cracking underneath the party's feet, embers rising from the gaps in between. All small items easily lost were placed in the bag that seemed to have an unlimited amount of space inside. Drake held onto his umbrella, however. The Hatter placed the bag inside of his hat, gripping his axe tightly. In the last second, they each jumped from the railing of the ship. Drake internally screamed as his body became enveloped by the feeling of water.

   The ship burned above his head and all sound was muffled significantly. Planks of wood drifted to and fro, the heavier items such as the cannons and their ammunition sank to the abyss below. Drake could not see very far down, and he tried kicking and pulling at the water to reach the surface. His movements were slow but his thoughts were racing.

   He could see Armen pulling the Carpenter and his one injured arm up to the surface and Grayson carrying Mairyn. Drake stopped moving, his head still twelve feet below the surface. He knew very well he was running out of air; his lungs ached and his throat throbbed. Drake released a bubble of air, three drops of the ocean water dripping into his mouth. His tongue tasted the familiar saltiness of tears.

   Drake looked down into the abyss to see shadows with the same harsh red eyes glaring up at him, reaching for his ankles. In his panic of drowning, Drake struggled to reach the surface. He released another bubble of air, extending his hand as far as he could. A silhouette above the water plummeted its hand into the water, grabbing onto Drake's wrist. With one powerful pull, Drake's head was above the water.

   The hybrid coughed and felt his arms and legs growing weak. Grayson, who was holding onto his wrist, pull him closer to the driftwood he was sitting on. Drake climbed on the driftwood, spitting out water and coughing some more. His umbrella was still tight in his grasp, his knuckles having taken on a light bluish color.

   "You two okay?" Armen asked as he paddled his own driftwood piece he shared with the Carpenter closer to the Hatter.

   "I am, but keep an eye on Drake. He doesn't look too good." Grayson responded, picking a plank from the water and using it like an oar. Armen followed Grayson's example, and the two makeshift boats slowly made their way to a sandy shoreline thirteen feet under the docks. They caught their breath on the beach as the oceanic wind chilled their soaked bodies.

   "Where's Atlas?!" Mairyn cried, searching the shore with her one red eye.

   "Atlas?" the Carpenter asked.

   "The dog!"

   "That's his name? I never knew."

   A little bark from the water alerted them the dog was still alive. He pulled himself to land and shook the water off his fur.

   "How is our stuff doing?" Armen interjected.

   Grayson removed his hat from his head and pulled out the bag like a magic trick. He glanced inside of the bag and smiled. "It's all good. Stayed dry somehow. I'll keep the stuff in here for now, just in case." He put the bag back into his hat and fixed it upon his head. Gesturing for the others to follow him, Grayson slipped along the shoreline with the small ocean waves lapping at his shoes. Armen carried Drake along, who was still coughing and had trouble standing.

   They hid underneath an outcrop of stone just beyond the reaches of the town. Commands were being shouted over the smoke and ocean waves crashing; perhaps going to send a search party out for the hybrid and his companions. Drake kept his eyes closed, trying to get a grip on his surroundings. The near-death experience of drowning had thrown off his senses and logic. The images of the shadows with the savagely glowing red eyes haunted his consciousness; he wanted to vent it to someone, and quickly before it drove him mad. But he was too busy coughing and spitting out water to say anything. Atlas was curled up close to Drake, whimpering and nuzzling his arm.

   After a couple of minutes, Drake stopped coughing as frequently. He caught his breath and slowly rose to his feet.

   "Come on, they'll be looking for us now. Let's get the hell out of here." Mairyn growled.

   Of course, the stupid option would have been to go through the town. So they instead traveled around the outside, keeping close to the wall. They were still completely drenched in water, making the small trip more miserable than Drake would have liked. He wanted to go home, to sit by a fire and enjoy the peace and simplicity of his own life.

   They reached the other side of the town from the outside and began walking into the thin forest nearby. The shouts had increased in volume and closeness, almost above their heads. Drake whipped his head around to see the familiar soldiers with dark armor and gold lining, with the alternate assassin taking the lead. Drake broke into a full-blown sprint, the others following closely behind.

   It was one of the many, many times Drake was grateful for long legs. The sounds of the soldiers were falling away quickly behind, his friends catching up to him as he slowed a little for them.

   The ditch ahead of them was hidden cleverly by nature; Drake and his companions tripped over the side and went tumbling down. The Carpenter hit his injured shoulder and suppressed a cry of agony, the Hatter twisted his ankle, and Armen was being cut from loose sticks and stones. Drake landed on his right arm, but quickly pulled himself to his feet with his umbrella. He lifted his head, only to have a sharp object touching his throat and his head being held back. Atlas growled as he shook off the dirt on his fur coat.

   Drake looked into the blue and orange eyes of the Jack of Diamonds. "This is nothing personal. Just following orders." Luke mumbled.


Sorry about the short chapter, folks. Been unmotivated to do anything for a while but I finally got my ass back up and doing stuff.

Also for those asking for a picture of DiW Ferox, do not fear, it will be in my art book hopefully within the week.

Have a wonderful day ^-^

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