Glitter Force oc!

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RoseChan606 this may seem surprising but, MY OC IS A MALE! DON'T JUDGE ME AND PLEASE ACCEPT ME PLS!

Name: Brandon
Age: 14
Gender: male
Glitter name: Glitter Knight
Uniform color: Silver
Element: Metal
Sexuality: straight
Attack: Sword Birth
Looks: Silver colored hair with bright red eyes. He wears a grey shirt with a matching jacket, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.
Glitter looks: metal knight armor minus the helmet. He also has a light weight metal shield and sword.
Catchphrase: Loyalty and honesty are my judgement! I'm Glitter Knight
•He's usually found with pop with him at all times except for when he's at school.
•He has a gauntlet on his left arm that's usually covered up. The gauntlet is his device of transformation. It used small sword variants of glitter charms called Glitter armorments.
•He has a crush on Emily.

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