Ch. 1 Braydon

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Falling. Have you ever fallen, but not actually fallen at all? I realize that question makes no sense. But does it? Allow me to explain, from the beginning so you can understand.

I had just finished high school. I was about to go to collage and become the man my parents thought I would be. But I didn't want to be what they wanted me to. They put me in classes I had absolutely no interest in. I didn't want to do law.

"Alezander von Wolfheart come down here this instant!" I heard my fathers booming voice yell from downstairs. Yes we have odd oldern names. It totally blows cause people at school picked on me.

I groaned and got off my bed, telling my internet friend I'd be back in a few. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room running down the stairs to make it go by quicker. When I reached the bottom of the steps I looked over to see my father holding a piece of paper, with a quite angry look on his face. Mum wasn't home from work yet which means she can't bail me out this time.

"Alezander, explain this to me. NOW!" He growled and pointed to something on the paper. When I didn't answer right away his face started turning pink then to a red and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

Taking a few steps closer to him to see what he was so pissed about I saw my report card from my collage classes. I had gotten a C- in a class. Is that why he was so upset? Its just a stupid C not like I liked these courses anyways.

"What do you think we pay for Alez? We are paying for you to pass not just to scrape your teeth and barely make it. Your an idiot son. Why did I get stuck with you as a son. Your sister would do better if she were in collage." He always does this. Comparing me to my sister. Treating me like dirt.

I shrugged and took out my phone then grabbed my motorcycle keys. "Sorry I'm not the son you wanted dad, but law is boring. I'll be changing my courses soon. I've gotta get to work now." I bolted out the door before he could reply, and saw my little brat of a sister waiting for me to take her to school.

"Alez! Hurry up I'll be late! I wanna see Braydon before classes start." Braydon was her boyfriend of the week. She trades up every week. I hop on the front of the bike and she gets on after me. She puts her pink helmet on and I scoff, mocking her taste of helmets.

"Really Charmy, why not get a better looking helmet. So I don't look like I'm taking my girlfriend everywhere." I laugh softly after saying so. Score one for me. I turn on the bike and we take off. We live 20 minutes from the school and she ALWAYS has to get there early for some reason.

I pull to a stop and drop her off. Her boyfriend or boy toy was standing there waiting for her. I took a look at him and couldn't help myself. I started at him for quite a while. He seemed to be a junior or senior. Damn. To young for me. But man he was gorgeous.

He had pale skin, and had a bit of muscle. His hair was blue, and his eyes matched his hair, he wore a hoodie with a band name I didn't know on it with torn up jeans and a pair of vans. His hair covered his eyes a bit, in sorta a.. I guess you call it "emo" style. He had some piercings too. He had a septum, eyebrow piercing, tongue, and lip. His ears were also pierced. But he had plugs in his ears not little studs.

I assume he caught me staring because he stood looking at me for a few moments. Then Charmy looked back at me. "Alez, go away already. You kill my style." She said flipping her skirt as she turned to face Braydon. He kept looking at me, as though he was taking me in as well. I removed my helmet and parked my bike on the side walk, stretching out a bit.

"Hey Charmy, what time do you need me to pick you up today. We are getting you a better looking helmet today." I said with a smirk on my face knowing she wouldn't cooperate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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