Greatest desire

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Summary: tsuna will obtain his greatest desire, even if you like it or not, he will obtain it, nothing is going to stop him from coming closer to his greatest desire, yet it seems like fate is not by his side this time.

Tsuna is 12 years old, a year before canon.


Tsuna's (P.O.V)

Today is the day that I will obtain my greatest desire.

I have waited for days, weeks and months....waiting for this day to come, I shall have victory!

Tsuna evily laughed as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

"Tsu-kun! Can you help me in the kitchen?"

Eh? B-but today is.........

*sigh* fine *pout*

"Hai! Coming" I went downstairs to see mama cooking, I have to help her quickly so that I finish early, my greatest desire is waiting for me after all!

* a little timeskip*

Normal (P.O.V)

"Tsu-kun I am happy that you helped me in the kitchen!" Nana beamed as she pecked her son's cheek.

tsuna blushed at that, he then pouted " you don't have to thank me kaa-san, it's normal for me to help my own mother"

Nana squealed at her son's cuteness as she launched at him with a tight hug ( a very tight one)

" kyaaa~ you are so cute! I am blessed to have a son like you!" She giggled as she took tsuna's hand and spun around with him.

"K-Kaa-san! I....there is someplace that I have to go to!" tsuna exclaimed making Nana finally stop.

"Ara~ is that could have just told me" she giggled then went to her wallet to bring money that she gave it to tsuna.

"Y-You don't have to, Kaa-san!" Tsuna said he planned this out with his own savings not from his mother's money, he doesn't want to be dependent on others due to his own desire.

" I insist" Nana said as she looked at tsuna's eyes.

Tsuna, who felt uncomfortable under her stare, shook his head wildly.

" No, I am fine kaa-san, thank you" he hurriedly said as he ran out of his home, because he knows that his mother won't stop until he takes it.

*pout* " my cute little son is becoming independent *squeal* " Nana smiled fondly at the same place that her son stood at few seconds ago.


Tsuna, after so much planning, he has finally finally finished part one of the plan
Now.....the second part which is the final part is going to commence.

Tsuna walked down the street as he admired the nature beauty, it somehow made him forget his objective.

Slapping both of his cheeks his eyes burned with determination. the day.

As he walked by the bustling shops he heard a voice calling him, which made him want to hide.

"Hey! Isn't that dame-tsuna?" A 14 years old teen asked his friends who were about 3 teens.

(They my dear readers are tsuna's bullies who used to bully him at elementary school)

"Huh.......hey! He is right!" The other one exclaimed as all of them grinned evily.

'Hieeee! Why do I have bad luck!' Tsuna sweatdropped as he felt his hands become clammy and his stomach dropped.

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