Chapter 2

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    Bzzt Bzzt Bzzz vzzzzt! You woke up to the sound of your phone vibrating on your nightstand. "The sound is so annoying. Wait where's my phone?" You looked around trying to find your phone in the dim lit room. The curtains blocked the light from entering your room like a bouncer blocking the doors of a private nightclub. You groan, "I give up." You sluggishly move your leg off the bed and landed your toes on the soft carpet first before landing your heels on a rectangle object. "Oh my god, my phone vibrated off the table." You picked up your phone and played one of your favorite songs though you didn't understand all of it, the song was in English. You could understand a few of the words but the words you couldn't understand were probably inappropriate.
      You got ready for school and ate breakfast. You put the dishes in the sink and grabbed the handle of the door. "Make sure to remember to pack your suitcase, after you get home!" Your mom yelled from upstairs. "Okay! I'm going now." You headed out the door and landed in the morning sunlight. Stopping for a moment in front of the door to prepare the mental and physical mind and body. "Alright lets go." You walked in the cool shade of the trees to avoid the sun. Each step getting closer to the bus stop. You didn't want to go to school, it's boring. You have no friends to socialize with and you were excluded from everyone. You only had the school library's books to be your friends.
     The teacher was talking about the things you already knew so you stared around the room. Looking at peoples movements, the same decorations in the room everyday, the habits people have, and the teacher himself. This was your habit staring at people. Examine and save it for later. Though it's not like someone's gonna talk to you. "Everyone pack their bags and leave. Class has ended." The teacher packs the papers for this class and takes out other papers for the next class. You head towards the door and wait for the rest of school to end.
     You walked out of the school's property and onto the city's pavement again. The sidewalks were packed, full of different people. As you walked to the home you would stare at many things that would interest you. Especially the showcases in the toy shops. As you were scanning the area something caught your eye. "Ah! It's Pusheen Cat!" You hands touched the showcase glass. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your jeans and pulled out your wallet. Opening the wallet you found that you only had 9987 won ($8.50)  on you. "I still don't have enough..." You frown and slowly turn around to see a familiar face in front of you. "Hello..." Your chest was hurting again. You felt the temperature outside rising to quickly, that's odd you thought. "Hello! I didn't get your name last time, I'm Jimin and you?"  He took out his hand. You hesitated to take the hand but you took it in the end. "I'm Y/N." Your eyes gazed away from him as he looked at you. "Well yesterday I bumped into you so I wanna make up for it. Anything you want in there?" He pointed at the shop directly behind you. "Well yeah I d-" You were interrupted by a bunch of screams. "Ahhhh! I found Jimin!" A bunch of girls and a few fan boys ran towards us. "Sorry gotta go!" Jimin started running away. You couldn't see him anymore as the crowd of fans blocks the view. "Stop thinking about him Y/N, it's weird." You walked away and headed home.
     "I'm home!" You pulled your shoes off and headed upstairs. "I gotta pack my things." You opened your closet, the amount of stuffed animals in there was imaginable. Throwing the stuffed animals out of your closet to find your suitcase was a lot of work. Finally finding the suitcase, you stuff the animals back in. "Now what do I need? Clothes, a few of my stuffed animals, and hygienic things." Grabbing all of the things you neatly stuff them in your suitcase. "Done, I think I'll work for the rest of the day." You change out of your school clothes and grab a few worn out clothes. Putting them on you head downstairs and get something shoved into you face. "Wear it." Your mom took out the uniform from the bag and gave it to you. "If you think that I'm go-" You instantly grabbed the uniform after your mother spoke these words, "No more stuffed animals." The horror. A few minutes in the bathroom you came out. You were stared down by your mother. She came closer to you and bent down to look at your legs. She then lifted your arms, then your face. "I hate you son." Your mother said while looking you in the eyes. "Wha wh-" You feel her hug you closely. "Ughhh! Son why do you have to be hairless! Your mama had to shave everyday when she went to school!" Your mother was "sobbing" on your shoulder. "Mom what the actual f-" Your mother told you to shush. She "sobbed" on your shoulder for a minute then resolved quickly. "Okay photo shoot time!" Your mother told you to stand outside. "Mom I don't like the wind underneath me!" You said as you stood under a tree. "It's okay, you could wear spandex or something like panties!" Your mother said as she took multiply shots of you. "Um, I think it's to far with panties. I think my hair is enough to make me look like a girl." You replied. "Your shoulder length hair makes you cute you know. You look better then mama, not fair." Your mother playfully frowned. "Can I Go now? I need money!!!" You went inside without your mother's answer and changed into the worn out clothes. "Yeah you can go work "daughter". I can't wait to show my friends on Facebook." Your eyes opened wide as your mother pulled out the phone. You ran down the multiple stairs and grabbed her arm. "Noo!" You yelled. "It's already been done Y/N. Oh I already have ten likes!" She pushed your hand off of her and replied to the comments. "Ugh, my life is already down the drain." You headed towards your work place.
      After a few hours of work, you smelled "really good". You part-time job was to move huge and small things at a garage. It wasn't easy for your size but it was good money. You took the 150000 won home. "Mom, I'm home!" You slipped out of your shoes and gave your mom half of the money you made. "Thanks Y/N." Your mother took the money and put into a jar. "Clean yourself up then we could have dinner." You head up to the bathroom and clean yourself thinking about all the things that happened to day, especially the one event about Jimin. "No stop thinking about him! It's super fricken weird!" You get out of the shower and wiped yourself down, put on a t-shirt and shorts, then headed downstairs for dinner.

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